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Dre was nice enough to pick me and the kids up this morning so we could go to Detroit. I didn't want to drive alone,so I begged him until he gave in.

"You're the best brother I could ask for." I squeal pecking his cheek

"Man don't ever put those lips on me. Don't think I don't know about you and big head Vito."

"Their is nothing going on between me and him. He just doesn't know to stop calling me trying to get me to show my breast to him."

"All I have to say is don't rush into anything. Make sure y'all ready to love one another without wanting to beat each other up." Dre says keeping his eyes on the road

"Dre you're so sweet. How come you aren't married yet?" I ask

"Marriage will come naturally when I find the right wife" he says shrugging

"I hope you find someone who will make you very much happy." I smile

"Yeah me too,Tati ass is about to get kicked to the curve."

"Dre is she really that bad?"

"Madison the girl hasn't been to work in a month."

My head whips towards the window trying to hide my laughter.

"Oh yea that is sort of sad" I chuckle

"I'm just over this. She needs to find a man worth the time to play. I ain't getting any younger. I want to settle down, I want to hit only one vagina for the rest of my life,not having to worry if she is sexing another man out in Paris." He says exaggerating Paris.

"I wish I had friends." I mumble

"Why? you have me"

"Because I would set you up with some lovely people."

"I'll be okay." He says smiling

"Well did Raniyah tell you the good news?"

"That Smiley and her are going to officially lock it down. She asked me to be her dj. She know I don't know much about no damn songs but I'll try"

"I'm so happy for them. They deserve it." I reply

"Man all I know is now that they are getting married. His ass needs to find a real counselor or he needs to pay up." "My advice doesn't come free."

"For me it is."

He takes a glance at me then back to the road.

"Only for you."

Lately Dre has been trying to stay away from Madison. He thought that the feelings that he was trying to ignore wouldn't come to life but they did. The itching feeling of wanting to caress her thigh or wanting to hold her huge breast in his hands stayed on his mind. The phase was taking too long to go away and the only way to get rid of it is to stay away from her. He knows he's a man but to lust after his blood's baby mom didn't sit right with him. The feeling of guilt and betrayal sits on his chest.

"Dre did you hear me?"

"Nah what did you say?"

"I said we should stop for breakfast. I know Layla is going to say she's hungry when she gets up."

"Next stop"

The constant buzzing of Madison's phone was upsetting Dre. He hated having to act like he didn't feel no way but he did the best thing that would keep him from trouble. He kept quiet.

"Ouuuu Wendy's." Madison says dancing in her seat

"You're on a diet. I don't know why your ass is dancing" Dre says turning his head to stare at her

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