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Vito pov

Me and Dre play against one another on the game both trying to keep quiet from waking miss sleeping beauty.

"Man stop cheating" Dre whispers trying to clench his teeth

"Bro ain't nobody cheating just learn how to play." I whisper

The feeling of her moving causes me to look down at her. Her hands cuff her stomach and her face scrunches up. I lay my hand on her stomach and feel as the baby kicks.

"You ready for this baby?" Dre asks

"Wouldn't be my first rodeo."

"Man It will be your first time watching somebody push out a baby." Dre says shaking his head

"Man you know I'm a G. I got this how bad could it be?"

" bro have you ever watched a birth video before?" He questions before pausing the game


"All I can say is you better hope that baby head aint big"

The kicking stops and Madison begins to shake her leg uncontrollably.

"Baby you in pain?"

She nods her head making me grab my phone to call the midwife

"Hello Vito is everything alright?"

"Hey Shannon, could you come over Madison is in pain."

"Give me just a second"

Our midwife lives next door and is good at what she does. Madison obviously had to change her midwife due to coming back home.


"Madison Shannon is on her way."

I grab her feet and begin trying to massage it only for her to remove her feet.

"Please don't touch me"

The front door opens and Shannon appears at the entrance.

"Madison honey are you having contractions?"

Madison shakes her head while rocking back and forth on the couch.

"She didn't even want me to touch her"

'That's normal" Shannon says grabbing her stethoscopes

'Victor are you timing these?"

"Look Shannon I don't really know how to tell when she's contracting she's been shaking the whole time."

"Wait V ya'll having a home birth?"

"Yes they are. Are you here to help?" Shannon asks putting on her gloves

"No actually I'm leaving because -

"No you're not ." I answer looking at him

"V I really don't want to watch your girl give birth. It's really not a pretty sight." Dre says frantically

"You're not watching her, just keep a lookout for Layla and also to record if I pass out."

"You don't want to record that. It's the most hideous thing on earth man."

"Man shut up and stop being a baby."


Author pov

Madison again yelps in pain as another contraction hits her.

"Shannon what can we do?"

"Contracting is a way to get the baby out. But I can give her epidural if she wants it."

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