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"So what happened?" Raniyah asks taking a sip from her drink

"I guess he came over thinking he could lay his trifling lips on me." Madison responds rolling her eyes

"At least he's trying to love up on you. Demetrius won't even look my way."

"Did I forget to mention to you that he has a girlfriend?" Madison says rolling her eyes

"She can be the side chick no biggie." Raniyah says turning her head

"Girl are you okay or did you hit a wall on the way here? What do I look like sharing a man, A man who can't keep his penis loyal to me."

"I mean when y'all was together Vito was loyal to you."

"Was means past tense." She answers rolling her eyes

"Do what you feel like is right."

Madison's phones light up indicating an incoming call. She grabs it and flips it around to see Hassan's caller id.

A wide smile appears on her face causing Raniyah to scoot over to her.

"Who's calling?" She asks grinning

"Hassan...He's this guy I met in a parking lot."

"Answer the phone before it stops ringing out." Raniyah squeals

Madison slides her finger across the screen and waits for his voice.

"Hey beautiful" Hassan says lowly

"Hello Hassan" she responds adding a little excitement in her greeting

"What are you up to?"

"Waiting on my father. We're supposed to have dinner tonight." She answers looking at Raniyah who just won't stop staring at her

"Ask him how many cars does he have?" Raniyah whispers

Madison pulls the phone from her ear and mutes the call.

"All he needs is one car." Madison responds

Madison un mutes the call and begins speaking.

"Sorry about that, can you repeat yourself ?"

"I was asking if you could cook." He says

"I can chef up a little. Cookbooks are my best friend."

"Maybe one day you could cook something for me." He says earning a grin from her

"Sure just let me know when."

"I just wanted to hear your voice. You looked very nice earlier."

"I just had on simple jeans and a top." Madison says dryly

"You look good with anything on." He asserts

Madison blushes for the third time. Her hand slides to her chin cuffing it in her palm. Her elbow leans on the couch arm and her feet roll under her bottom.

"Thank you...you don't look bad yourself." Madison responds

"Oh so you think I'm cute?" He asks biting his lip

"Hmmmm just a little." She flirts

Hassan shakes his head in response to her statement. The way she talked only made him more eager to get to the next base. Vito gave him clear instructions not to go too far with her but with her beauty he finds it to be a struggle.

"I can deal with that. So did you think about the party ,seeing you will be the best birthday gift?" He asks

Madison lets out a chuckle before kissing her teeth.

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