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The next day Vito wakes up angrier than he went to bed. He wanted so bad to curse Madison out some more, he wanted so bad to wrap his strong hands around her neck and just choke her out without having to kill his kid.

"God, why did I get her pregnant?" He groans rubbing his hand over his face

He picks up his phone and looks at the time to see that it's eight in the morning. He goes through his contacts and clicks on Madison's contact. He listens to the dial sound before hearing her pick up.

"Hello?" She answers tiredly

"What do you want for breakfast?" He asks calmly

Maddy looks at her phone and blinks a couple of times before answering

"I don't know yet. What time is it?"

" It's eight o'clock"

"I'm coming to pick you up. So get yourself ready and -

"I'll have someone drop me to your house. I don't want you picking me up." She interrupts

"Ivy I don't want nobody at my damn house so send me the fucking address now."

Apart of Madison wanted to yell at him, cry, and still jump on top of him at the same time. So her emotions got the best of her and she began tearing up on the phone.

"God I wish it wasn't you I was having a baby by." She cries before hanging up on him

Vito's face softens before he lets out a breath of air.

"She makes this so harder than it needs to be. It's like the damn baby made her so feisty."

As much as he wanted to choke Madison he couldn't deny the beauty she carries. Her face has gotten more fuller but it fits her pregnant body. A glow has been added to her skin and her thighs done slimmed just a little bit making curves dip into her sides.

He makes his way out of his room and heads into Layla's room to see her still sleeping. He turns around and walks downstairs to make some breakfast.

Madison on the other hand sits on the bed bawling her eyes out. Her feelings are completely hurt and she doesn't feel like seeing Vito at the moment. She grabs the tissues beside her on the nightstand and begins blowing her nose.

"Your Daddy is such an asshole " Madison wines while rubbing her belly

No later than a second she begins to feel pain in her abdomen.

"Ahhhh fuck!"

"Please don't tell me you're coming early." She murmurs

She grabs her phone from off the dresser and begins to call Vito.

"What's the problem?" He asks

"I'm in pain." She wails

"You want to go to the hospital?" He asks soothingly making her feel a little better


"Ivy are you in labor?" He asks quickly

"I don't know, It hurts really bad" she cries

"How many months are you?"

"Eight." She cries

Vito runs upstairs to his room and grabs his other phone to call Dre.

" wassup nigga?"

"Are you home?" He asks while looking for a white beater in his dresser

"Why wassup Tati with me." He said yawning

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