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Madison's pov

Doctor Green sits in front of us smiling hard like she's so excited to help us. Vito is next to me and hasn't said a word to me since earlier. It's not that damn serious, you touch all over my body. I send back a fake smile to her and watch as she takes out that damn talking stick.

"I can sense some tension" she says

"Who wants to go first?"

I raise my hand and look over at him to see his face still screwed up.

"Okay Madison can you tell me what's causing this tension now?"

"He -"

"Who is he? We use names ." She says smiling

" Victor is mad that during sex I touched his behind"

"Pass him the stick"

Madison looks at him and hands him the stick only to see him grab it while looking ahead.

" such a asshole" she whispers

Victor lets out a chuckle before beginning to speak.

"Doctor no man wants their ass touched on unless otherwise told. I believe that boundaries are supposed to be set and she just doesn't get that."

"Have you told her that you aren't comfortable with that?"

"She never did it before so I'm trying to figure out why do it now."

Madison rolls her eyes and sticks her hand out for the stick.

"I'm not done talking yet, " he says with an attitude.

" you're doing all of this for what? It was just something I did in reaction to how good it was feeling."

Doctor Green turns and looks at me only to get an evil glare thrown back at her.

"Maybe we just don't need to be together then since I can't touch you. "


He calms himself down and begin
speaking to the doctor

"Doc I really want to make this work with Madison but she just won't see where I'm coming from"

"How come it's always your right? It wasn't that serious for you to do all of this. I don't want to be with a man that's going to flash out when I'm touching him. I do my best every day and try to change for you but maybe we're just not meant for one another." I say with tears in my eyes

I hate having to feel like I'm always the issue in this relationship. It's like I try to make him feel good but then he knocks down whatever I do.

Sobs begin leaving my lips leading my lips to tremble.

Doctor Green looks at me and shakes her head.

"Victor hug Madison"

From the corner of my eyes I could see him staring at me. I watch as he shakes his head and stays where he's at.

" Doc I'm tired of feeding into her bullshit. It literally seems like the commonsense we fight over."

"Gosh I wish I had no ties with you " I whisper

"What the fuck was that you said?" He asks brutally before sniffing and rubbing his nose

"You heard what I said" I said turning to look at him

In a swift movement Vito gets up and heads out to go calm himself down.

"Madison I think it's best ya'll stay away from each other."



No later than two seconds he pops back in the door looking very different. Scary different. He walks towards Madison only for Doctor Green to step between them.


She couldn't believe it. She was seeing the signs in front of her and she didn't pay attention. She looks him in the eyes and holds on to his shoulders.

"Victor please sit down" she says sternly

He looks at Madison in disgust before moving across the room to go sit down.

"Madison I need you to leave the room. It might be best for you to have someone come pick you up"

Madison gets up and takes one look at Vito before shaking her head and walking out the room and closing the door behind her.

Doctor Green watches as he sniffs before tapping his fingers on the chair.

"Victor how long have you been using?"

" What are you talking about, doctor ?"

"Did you take any drugs before you got here?" She asks sternly

He rubs the back of his neck before nodding.

" yes"

" Can you tell me why?"

" Doc, she triggered something. I-I didn't want to hurt her" he says shaking his head slowly

" I love her too much" he says while tears slip from his eyelid

"Victor I know you didn't but you almost harmed her. The baby that you guys created could have got harmed if you didn't have control over yourself."

Vito shakes his head before speaking.

"I- I- I didn't want to hurt my baby" he sobs

On the other side of the door Madison covers her mouth with her hand. She felt like it was because of her ,Vito had used.

" I love Madison. I want to be right for her. I want to be her only doc" he says looking through his teary eyes

"I think it's best that you and Madison stay away from each other for a while. You on the other hand will need to check in to rehab."

"I-I- I don't need rehab. This was just one time" he says sniffing

" Victor a lot of people say that it's one time but it becomes worse. Have you ever took the drug you took before and how many times, answer honestly" she says

He lets out a cough before answering with his fingers throwing up three fingers.

" she won't really leave me? " he asks looking at her with bloodshot red eyes

" Victor you need to get help. Your child will be into this world soon and you need to be able to function at all times."

He nods his head before taking out the little baggie from his back pocket.

She runs over and grabs it from him. She walks to the bathroom and throws it in the toilet flushing it down the toilet.

She looks back at him only to see his face in his palms. She shakes her head slowly and heads over to her couch.

" Victor would you be up for staying thirty days in rehab to help you?"

He looks up from his hands and shakes his hand.

"Yes doctor I would"

" would you like to start today?"

"Can I get the chance to say goodbye to her?"

"Would you like to tell her?" Doctor Green asks

"No not really"

Madison on the other hand stands in shock. He was using and she couldn't even tell. She walks out through the doors and heads to Raymond's car. She opens the door and steps inside of the car.

Raymond turns and looks at her before pouting

"What happened bae?"

" I think it's best that I go back to New york"


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