Trouble in paradise

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Ty Lee's POV

I needed everything to be perfect, Azula needs to have a good time. I held onto my bag and anxiously waited for Azula to be finished, waiting by the front of school. "Are you ready?", I heard her voice behind me and turned to face her with a smile, "yep, the others are going to meet us there, are you looking forward to it?", I asked as we walked down the steps. "You're excited, so I'll try", she walked ahead of me, I sighed softly and followed her, it's hard pleasing that girl. She's so much like her father and she doesn't even know it.

"There you are, I've been stood here for hours", Mai leant against the wall of the water park waiting for us, "shut it Mai, this is my time to groan not yours", Azula smirked and walked in. "She's going to ruin your plans you know", Mai watched her walk in and turned to me, "yeah, I know", I kept a frown on my face and walked in with Mai, we got to the changing rooms and got into our bathing suits got our towels and walked in to the main area.

"We can find the other dorks later, I want to get a sun bed", Azula walked quickly, she wasn't smiling, this means she wasn't happy, it's stressing me out. "Don't work yourself up about it, it's Azula she's probably secretly having the time of her life", Mai put a hand on my shoulder to reassure me, but I needed that reassurance from Azula right now. "Thanks Mai, I'm going to have a word with her, if she wants to be miserable, she can be miserable on her own, wait here", I smiled and followed Azula.

"This place is even dirtier then when we came here as children", Azula raised a brow as she looked around, "that's it, look I've tried being nice to you and letting you hate everything but can't you see I'm trying my best here, I thought it would be nice to come back here and remember the good times, I thought you'd have fun, but you're more miserable then I thought you would be", I held both of her hands and looked her in the eye as I spoke.

"Ty Lee", Azula looked almost angry, but it was my turn to be angry not her. "Don't start, I can't believe you y'know, you go on about Zuko getting everything from your father and him being hard to please, well look at yourself, you're literally him, you're treating me like you are being treated, and it's not fair to take it out on me, I'd rather you talk about it then do this, I'm your girlfriend 'Zula, not some doll you can mess with whenever you feel like it", it hurt to say it but I had to.

"But-", she reached for my hand as I turned away, "no, don't talk to me, only talk when you're ready to apologise, and if you want to enjoy yourself, and you want me to be happy too", I pulled away from her grip and looked her up and down before leaving and returning to Mai. "You're one little hurricane", Mai stood there in shock, I didn't reply and kept walking.

Sokka's POV

"This place hasn't changed a bit", I beamed as we walked into the park after changing, "look the old slides are still there! And they've even got new ones!", I was getting excited now. "I want to go on every single one of them", Aang grinned and looked at me excitedly. "Katara will you be alright if we go off for a bit", I looked at her, "alright, but be careful", she responded with a smile, Zuko stayed behind with her but I'm sure I'll be able to drag him into the water later on.

"So what should we do first?", Aang asked as his eyes wondered around the park, "well, there's a lot more to do, I say we race down the steep slides then go down the new slide they've got, it's supposed to be so fast that you can't feel your face", I walked with him around the park getting more and more excited, but also slightly anxious. "Come on then!", Aang pulled my arm and began to run, "calm down you don't wanna slip", I tugged on his arm to slow him down.

"Woah, you sounded just like Katara when you said that", he stopped and looked at me, he pulled out the Katara card!? "Hang on there, I'm not as boring as her! Race you to the slides!", I pushed him and ran ahead. I'm not turning into my sister, am I?

Zuko's POV

It was like a nursery for our boyfriends, the two can run off and have the time of their lives whilst Katara and I can have a break, we put down our towels on some sun beds we found and sat down, "they seem really excited huh?", I smiled as I watched them go down the slides together. "I'll be following them in shortly, and I'll show them how you really go down a slide", Katara smirked as she stretched out on the sun bed. "What about you?", she asked looking up at me.

"No, water and me have never gotten along", I shook my head and kept my eyes on the boys, "really? I had you pegged for a strong swimmer", she said. "I can swim, I just chose not to", I shrugged and looked over seeing Azula stood by the pool bar alone. "Why is Azula by herself?", I asked wondering if Katara might know. "She is? Maybe she's wanting a bit of alone time, everyone needs it every now and again", Katara sat up and raised a brow.

"Hm, I'll go get us some drinks, I'll be back in a bit", I stood up and walked over to the pool bar standing with Azula, "having fun?", I asked whilst waiting to order the drinks. "I'm stood here alone watching every body else enjoy themselves, whilst drinking a poor excuse of a smoothie, I'm having a wonderful time Zuzu", she glared at me. "I was just asking, want to sit with Katara and I? You seem lonely up here-", I asked and began to explain. "I don't need your pity, go snuggle up to your boyfriends sister that you used to have feelings for and kissed without her consent, run along", she turned away.

I took the drinks and did as she said, when she's in this mood, it just gets worse when she's around other people. I took a deep breath and walked back down to the sun beds seeing someone else was sat on mine, it was Jet, "what're you doing here?", I asked putting the drinks down. "What's it got to do with you scarface?", Jet furrowed his brows as he looked up at me, "you're on my sun bed", I said plainly and stood in front of him. "You also might want to think about getting out of here before Aang clocks you, you'll be dead meat within five seconds", I crossed my arms.

"He's nothing special, and neither are you. You used to be the most intimidating guy in the whole academy, and now look at you, begging me to move off your sun bed, please Zuko you're better then this", Jet lay back on the sun bed with a smirk on his lips. "Look, stop causing trouble and get lost Jet", Katara frowned, "oh yeah and you're going to do something about that too are you? Both of you have turned soft, you were both bossy, arrogant, harsh and stubborn, now look at you, a mother who has turned shy and weak, a closeted gay boy who hates confrontation", Jet stood up and chuckled.

"There you go, there's your sun bed, weaklings, and Katara, you're still in love with me, I know it, if you don't meet me so we can talk about it, just the two of us, I won't stop this", he blew a kiss and walked away. He was right, look at us, I was so angry before, I would hurt anyone that got in my way, and now I politely ask them to leave. "Don't do it Katara, it's safer when you're with someone else", I looked at her, I kissed that girl and now I'm with her brother, what Azula said has stuck, what's wrong with me?

"I can handle him Zuko, I'm stronger then he thinks", she looked back to watch him walk away then took a deep breath, "have we really changed that much?", she turned to face me. "Yeah, you threatened to kill me almost every day, now we're sat together at a water park smiling and talking together, like old people enjoying a day trip", I frowned. What should we do? Does this mean we should change? Should we go back to hating each other? The same questions went through both of our minds. What to do?

"Hey guys who's ready to have some fun!", Toph smirked as she pushed me off the sun bed.

Great timing Toph. Like always.

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