The hotel at night

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Katara's POV

Aang was quiet, quiet on the beach, quiet when walking to the hotel, quiet getting in the room, and quiet in the room. "Aang? Is everything okay?", I frowned over at him as I took out some clothes for me to sleep in. "Yeah, I'm just thinking", he replied as he lay back on the bed and looked up at the ceiling. "Anything I can help with? Maybe you could talk about it?", I smiled lightly and sat on the end of the bed looking down at him. "It's the monks, a couple are going to visit in a few days", Aang sat up. "Oh, they most likely want to know how the baby is doing huh?", I knew Aang told them about me, they see Aang as family so I guess the baby is their family too. "Uhh, yeah something like that", Aang smiled awkwardly then got up and went into the bathroom. He was lying. I raised a brow and watched him go then got changed and into bed waiting for him to come back.

"Katara?", Aang stepped out of the bathroom. "Mhm?", I replied. "Sorry I thought you were asleep", why would he say that? He wanted to avoid talking to me by hiding in the bathroom and waiting for me to sleep so he can sneak back in. He got in bed but turned around so his back was facing me. "Night Katara", I sighed and kissed the back of his neck softly. "Goodnight Aang, sleep well", I turned over so I faced the other way. It's his choice if he wants to keep things from me, but he knows that those things will come up later on and he'll be the one paying for the mistake of lying.

Zuko's POV

Sokka lay limp in my arms, he's such a lightweight, I put him down on the double bed and sighed, "good luck sleeping with that", Mai smirked as she looked at Sokka then at me, sitting on the single bed. "I can move him to the bathtub, he can sleep there", I crossed my arms looking down at Sokka as he mumbled things in his sleep. "Sounds good to me", Mai shrugged and got into bed, not bothering to change out of her clothes. I moved Sokka into the bathroom laying him down in the tub and put a pillow in to make sure he's comfortable, I turned back ready to go to bed, but I felt someone reach for my hand. "Huh?", I looked down at Sokka who has his eyes slightly opened, "Zuko stay", I held his hand looking back at the door then at him. He was already fast asleep by the time I looked back at him. I could just go back into the room and sleep but, he asked me to stay. I can't believe I'm doing this. I climbed into the bathtub and lay down, wrapping my arms around Sokka to keep him close. Why did I do this?

Ty Lee's POV

It was really nice to sit with everyone at the fire and tell stories and act like friends. I'm sure it won't be the same tomorrow, but it was still nice. I walked with Azula as our rooms were next to each other, Azula stopped at her door. "Goodnight", she looked at me then took her key out. No way was I just going to walk away without giving her a special goodbye hug. "Sweet dreams 'Zula", I gave her a squeeze then walked to my door, I looked down at my key then over at Azula and bit my lip. I'm not ready to say goodbye yet. "Darn it! I can't find my key, I must've lost it in the beach, oh no", I pouted as I pretended to search my bag. "Well you definitely won't find it if it's on the beach, go ask reception for another", Azula opened her door. "But I don't want to bother them!", I ran over to stop the door before Azula shut it. "Yet you're prepared to bother me?", we locked eyes, I let go of the door and felt a blush spread across my cheeks. "I'm sorry", I looked down. Azula put two fingers under my chin and lifted my head up to look at her. "Don't apologise, come in", Azula opened the door, checked nobody could see me go in to her room then shut the door.

Suki's POV

"Did you see how good I was today!? I was so calm and nice to Sokka, not too nice but nice enough!", I beamed and fell back on the bed remembering his smile. "God shut up, I want to get at least some sleep!", Toph groaned as she was on the bed beside me. "Sorry, I'm just so happy, tomorrow I'll wear the best bathing suit I own, if he isn't attracted to me in that then bad news for me but he must be gay", I leant forward to examine my bathing suit, I know I look good in it and I feel super confident that I'll no doubt get Sokka's attention. My only problem is that Yue girl, she's the thing that stands in my way. "What if Yue gets him, what if he likes her more!?", I began to panic. "For the last time use your inner voice Suki! Let me sleep!", Toph groaned. "Okay okay, but can you do something for me?", I lay back in bed. "What?", Toph angrily replied. "Do some sleuthing tomorrow, Sokka likes you and I'm pretty sure he'd tell you anything".

"Okay, what did you wanna know?", Toph replied.


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