Make sure this never happens again

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Azula's POV

I woke up from the harsh light of the sun shining on my eyes through the windows in the student council room, I looked around and realised that I fell asleep and stayed the night, but not alone, beside me lay the radiant Ty Lee, she looked so beautiful as she slept, I noticed she was wearing my shirt, I observed the room again to see there was paper everywhere with books and other numerous objects all over the room, we even broke a chair by the looks of things, suddenly all the memories of the previous evening came into my mind, I stood up and began to tidy things away, I put on my jumper and let Ty Lee keep my shirt on, she slowly awoke.

"M-Morning 'Zula", she yawned and stretched. "Good morning Ty Lee", I kept tidying feeling her eyes on me. "Can I help you?", I raised a brow and looked back at her, she nodded and sat up patting the space on the sofa asking me to sit down. "We should talk about last night", Ty Lee tucked a strand of hair behind her ear as I sat beside her. "Indeed we should. We mustn't tell anyone about this. Nobody will know apart from us and this is all that will become of us", I sat up straight looking forward, I don't want to be lead in by her soft eyes. "huh? that's all that will become of us? what do you mean?", Ty Lee questioned slight anger in her tone.

"I'm sorry Ty Lee but this is it", I stood up and looked down at her seeing sadness in her eyes. "You can keep my shirt but that's all your getting now. We need to make sure this never happens again. Am I understood?", I watched her stand up and nod. "Good, now help me clean up", I ordered her, watching her tidy but not say another word. I had to fight this urge to be with her, I don't deserve her, she deserves someone who's kinder and more fun then me. I'm letting her go. I watched her clean hoping I made the right decision and sighed under my breath.

Katara's POV

I needed to pay some attention to the boy's today, I feel like they both have a lot going on and they aren't telling me about it, which means they're bottling it up and that can't be good, I got up extra early to make and pack their lunch, Sokka first walked into the kitchen. "Hey Sokka, how're you doing today?", I asked him. "Eh not too bad I guess, I was a little low yesterday because I thought Suki didn't want me around, turns out she's just stressed and has actually asked me out to dinner tonight, so that means you and Aang are having a romantic meal with just the two of you tonight", Sokka smirked and and grabbed his bag making his way out. I blushed lightly. pfft me and Aang having a romantic dinner yeah right. Aang walked in and smiled softly.

"Morning Katara", he picked up his bag but I stopped him from going. "Aang, what food do you like to eat? it's just us tonight so I thought I could try cooking you something special", I felt my blush get more and more intense the longer I stare into his eyes, what's wrong with me today!?

"don't worry about it Katara, I can cook tonight, it's my treat", Aang winked with a grin then put his finger on my lips before I spoke. "I'm definitely cooking tonight. No buts Katara", he moved his finger off and picked up my bag. "Aang I can carry my own bag", I felt my voice trail away, something was different, something definitely felt different. "I've got it Katara, just take this as your day off, well sort of day off". I'm not going to lie, he swept me off my feet, like a gentleman he was so well gentle. Was I getting feelings for Aang? no. no that's absurd. I'm definitely one hundred percent not getting feelings for that boy. heh. No way.

Toph's POV

It was really nice when I played volleyball against twinkle toes and ponytail the other day. I had such a good time, and I got to know them a little too. Wait. Does this mean I might actually have friends? okay I better make sure I see them again today, maybe have lunch with them? yeah that sounds cool. I walked downstairs putting my shoes on then heard my father as he walked over. "That Suki girl just apologised over the phone, turns out she did see a girl play really well but she looked so much like you she got mistaken, and told us how well you're getting on with your studies and safely sitting out, well done Toph I'm so proud of you", my dad patted my head before holding my hand and taking my to his car and helping me in.

I'm really glad this means I get to stay in school, but it hurts that my parents are proud of me for doing nothing, when I'm actually really good at something. But of course they can't know that huh. When he pulled up to school he helped me out and gave me a kiss on the head, I walked in and heard Suki.

"Hey Toph, I rang your parents and said I mistook you for someone else, did it work? can you stay?", Suki sounded really anxious, this meant a lot to her too. "yeah I'm staying", I sighed as we walked together, I linked my arm in hers, as much as I want to be independent, it's always easier to hold onto someone. "you sound upset? isn't it a good thing?", Suki asked. "No I'm happy to stay, it's just that I wish they could know, and actually be proud of me for something I've achieved you know?", I stayed close to her and frowned. "one day you'll be able to show them, I know you will", Suki reassured me, she's turning out to be a really good friend. I'm making a lot of those recently. and I'm super happy about it.

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