Difficult love

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Katara's POV

I left school early and decided to go home, I was feeling nauseous all day and being at school definitely didn't help that, I opened the door to an empty house seeing that it was still a mess from the weekend, I shrugged and decided to clean it up, it's not like Sokka was going to any cleaning around here, I walked upstairs and sat on the bed putting my hand on the covers, it's true that I feel things for Aang, but I'm not ready to be in a relationship, with him or anyone else, I'm far too busy to do that, and I'm not the prettiest girl around, boys who like me quickly get bored of me, I have a feeling Aang will too.

I lied down and looked up at the ceiling, what am I going to do? I can't ignore Aang, it'll hurt him if I push him away, I care about him but I don't want to be the one who's left behind. I realised that one day he will leave and go back to the monks, he won't stick around forever, he could leave any day and I wouldn't see it coming, I heard the door open downstairs and sat up. "Hello?", I heard Aang and sighed standing up, I walked to the top of the stairs and saw him looking up at me. I smiled lightly and walked down to him. "Hey", I crossed my arms and looked down. God I need to get over these feelings if I don't want to be hurt.

"Katara", he put his arms around my waist and held me close, this is what I needed, I think I can deal with everything myself and push everyone away, but it turns out, I need him. I hugged him back and buried my head in his chest sharing the moment with him. "Aang", I snuggled in closer. "How're you feeling?", he stepped back, I frowned slightly wanting to stay close to him but I know I can't be there forever. "I'm feeling a lot better, thanks", I looked at him then stepped closer again, holding his hand. "What're we going to do Aang?", I looked down at our hands rubbing his softly with my thumb.

Zuko's POV

By now everyone knew my sexuality, it didn't bother me anymore, I walked proudly through the halls and saw Mai, I made my way over to her and took a deep breath, "Mai-", she quickly stopped me and smiled wrapping her arms around me. "I'm proud of you Zuko, I'm glad you finally came out", I thought she'd be mad but she was happy for me. "Yeah good on you", Ty Lee beamed and joined the hug. Who would've known some of the meanest girls could be so supportive. "Does this change anything for us Mai?", I looked at her feeling her cup my cheek.

"I have a feeling that it does, you have feelings for someone else dont you?", Mai looked into my eyes, how does she know? "I'm merely confused with my feelings", I shrugged but kept my eyes on hers. "I have a feeling I'm confused too", she stepped back and crossed her arms. "so is this it for us?" I frowned lightly, Mai and I have been through a lot together, we've both worked hard for the relationship, it seems wrong to give up now. "We might be together again some day", She gave a small smile and hugged me. "Friends?", Mai said. "Friends", I replied.

During this conversation I noticed Mai's eyes wonder a couple times, when I saw where her eyes wondered to, I realised she had developed feelings for Ty Lee. Looks like the two of us have fallen for the same sex. Knowing that I was still her friends made things slightly better, but who knows what could happen. Maybe we could help eachother out. "So Ty Lee huh? you have quite a lot of competition", I turned back to her. Mai blushed and tried to hide it but failed. "So? I talk to her every day and we're close friends and have been for years, that gives me more of a chance then anyone". Mai shrugged crossing her arms. "Azula", I raised a brow. "It's obvious Azula has feelings for her too, are you ready to tear apart the friendship of the three of you for love?". "Definitely", Mai didn't hesitate with her answer, it was clear that both Mai and Azula were competing for Ty Lee.

This'll be fun to watch. For once my sister is having love troubles.

Suki's POV

Being in a relationship with Sokka is amazing, but he's still holding back, I thought my dreams would come true by finally being with him but, it's actually super underwhelming, I'm forever waiting for a passionate kiss. I'm begging to actually question my love for him at all, and it hurts me to think that. But I don't want a one way relationship for sure. I took my anger out on practicing my defence but I kept slipping, I wasn't focused enough. I tried again but ended up falling over. "Damn it!", I took a deep breath to regain myself and stood up seeing Jet at the door. "Jet?", I rolled my eyes. "Bad time buddy", I stretched.

"Seems like you aren't doing too well", Jet smirked as he watched me stretch. "Stop being so creepy and get out of here", I walked over to him and crossed my arms. "Sorry, just showing you a bit of attention, just because your new boy toy isn't", Jet stepped back but I grabbed his collar. I needed attention. I needed someone to be creepy. I wanted Jet. In that stupid moment I kissed him keeping his body firmly against mine I just needed a buzz, something. I let go and panted pushing him back. "Go, now", I shut the door and leaned against it sliding down it so I sit on the floor. What's wrong with me? I just kissed Jet of all people!? I have a boyfriend. Sokka can't know.

I'm keeping this a secret.

ATLA highschool AUWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt