Chapter 5

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Victoria's P.O.V

"Grandma!?" It was her. She was here too. Ah! I feel so relieved. I mean, she's the only familiar face here right now so.

"My dear Victoria." she said sweetly.
"You must have been really scared right now. It's okay. Come with me. I'll explain everything now that we are here."
Oh right! She couldn't explain anything when we were in that void.

"Oh and don't worry my dear, these people aren't bad. They are just on the edge right now because there are a bunch of people or should I call them The Egeldors who attack the village from time to time and take away most of our young girls and boys. It truly is sad but currently we are defenseless right now. So there's nothing we can do to fight back."

I looked around the crowd as grandma explained. It was true. I didn't see any girls and boys of my age. There were only elderly people, men and small children.

"Grandma Eleonora. Who is this woman?" asked a small boy from the crowd.

"Look at the pendant she's wearing my dear Lucas." said grandma while pointing towards my neck.

My pendant? Was it special?
The kid stared hard at my pendant and suddenly his eyes widened and a glint of hope? was visible in his eyes.

"Grandma Eleonora is she the one?" he asked almost excited.

"Yes, my child. Now now, quite happy aren't you?" she said warmly as she patted his head.

"She's the one?"

"Then the prophecy was true?"

"That means we're saved!"

"Ah! I thought this day would arrive after I died."

The people started talking to each other once more and it felt as though this was the happiest day of their entire life.

"Wait a minute. What prophecy? And is this pendant that important? What's happening grandma?" I asked confused.

Before she could answer, a loud rumble was heard. The people all stopped talking and stared at me.
Seriously? right now? My stomach couldn't pick a better time to be hungry.

The whole crowd erupt in loud laughter.

Grandma smiled and turned around and started walking away. I decided to just follow her to escape from this embarrassment. I guess they weren't bad people after all.

We reached a small but comfy looking house. It had a garden with colourful flowers.

"wow" I stared in awe at the beautiful place.

Grandma opened the door and let me in. She asked me to wait for a moment and went away somewhere in the house.
I looked around the place. It had comfy chairs, sofas and also a fireplace. It was warm, so very warm.

"Make yourself comfortable dear" grandma said as she came into view again with a blanket in one hand and a bowl of porridge in the other.

"Oh! Thank you so much." I took the blanket and wrapped it around me, then took the porridge and sat down near the fireplace.

"I feel like I'm dreaming" I murmured as I remembered no one other than my own grandma treating me in such a warm way.

"Well it's not a dream my dear." she said softly.
I turned towards her as she sat down beside me on the sofa.

"I'm Eleonora. The Elder of this town and also a friend of your grandma." she continued.

"You knew my grandma?" I asked surprised. I didn't hear my grandma mention her even once.

"Of course I did, I know about your parents too. Want to hear a story Victoria?"
She knew my parents too?

I'm telling you, this grandma isn't so simple Victoria.

Go away. I'll listen to her for now. This conscience can be so annoying sometimes.

"A story? What story?" I asked.

"A fairy tale. But it doesn't have a happy ending like most and it is a bit scary." grandma warned.

"I'm 18 grandma. Such stuff won't scare me." What's the scariest thing that can happen in a fairy tale?
I wondered as I ate my porridge which tasted real good.

"Then let's begin my dear." with this, grandma started the story. A story I never thought would actually scare me.


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xoxo coco❤️

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