Chapter 4

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Victoria's P.O.V

"Is she from here? "

"Who is she?"

"Look she has brown hair"

"Hey look! She's waking up!"

I could hear loud murmurs as i slowly came to. Everything was a blur to me and my head was pounding very badly. As my vision became clear, I looked around me.

I was in the middle of the road and a large mob of people had surrounded me. All of them were staring at me and whispering to each other. I had never seen these people before.

"Excuse me? What happened here?" I asked to a man who was standing in front of me.

"Who are you? Where did you come from?" Instead of answering my question, I was immediately shot back with more.
And what did he mean by where did I come from? Obviously I lived here too.

"Um.... But i live here too." I looked around my surroundings, I was still in my town but something felt off.

"Nonsense! Are you from The Egeldors? Are you here to hurt us again?

"The Egeldors? What?"
what were these people even saying? And why would I hurt them?

I quickly got up on my feet.

"Excuse me, is there some sort of misunderstanding? I live here too. I'm Victoria, I live nearby."

"Then why do you have brown hair if you are from here?" asked a woman.

"My hair?" I asked as I touched them. That's when I realized that everyone here had golden blonde hair. I quickly broke through the crowd and examined my surroundings.

I knew it! Something was off!
The place around me was both familiar and unfamiliar at the same time. I noticed the large tree which used to be in front of my house. My eyes widened as I realized my house wasn't there. Instead there stood a tall statue of a person, a king or prince perhaps, I thought.

The surroundings were much greener and beautiful than before. How could this have happened? Was I in a deep sleep for a few years or something? And I'd just woken up to find the town much beautiful than before and the people mutated?

That's a pleasant way to explain this confusing situation. Way to go Victoria!

Ugh! Shut up you stupid voice!
Yes I'm one of those people who fight with their conscience.

No. I need to calm down and find out about this place.

"Where is this place?"

"And you said you lived here. This is a town in the outskirts of the Nevada Kingdom." replied a man.

"Nevada Kingdom? Nevada?" I muttered. I was sure I heard that name before.
"Ah! That grandma! She told me to come to Nevada Kingdom to find my parents. I need to find that grandma."

"Grandma? Enough of this talk! I think she's just playing innocent and will attack us while our guard is down!" one man yelled.

"That's right! Let's capture her and take her to Elder Eleonora"
The crowd began moving towards me.

"Please no! This is a misunderstanding. I'm not evil!"
I told them but they weren't listening anymore.

"All of you stop right there!" an elderly voice boomed from behind the crowd.
"No one is to touch that girl."
The voice commanded.

The crowd stopped in their tracks and started making way for that person and they finally came into view.

I furrowed my eyebrows. This person was.......

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xoxo coco ❤

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