Chapter 3

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Victoria's P.O.V

It was impossible! I was no longer between that raging storm. Instead I was nowhere. Everything around me was white. There was no sky or ground. I couldn't tell where it started or ended. I felt as though we were in a void.

"You must be confused, my child." Came a voice out of nowhere.
I turned to my right and found the old woman from before. She started walking towards me.

"Wait!" I said. "Don't come any closer! Where are we? What's going on? Who are you?" The questions kept pouring out of my mouth as I frantically looked around myself.
I still couldn't believe what was happening.

The old woman stopped in her tracks.

"Calm down Victoria, my child. You mustn't panic. I would answer all your questions but we don't have much time. I can't keep up this void for long. So you must listen carefully to everything that I'm going to tell you now." She explained as she advanced towards me again.

Now that I took a closer look at her, she seemed to be a woman in her sixties or older. She had a bent back and wore a cloak that covered her brown hair with streaks of white in them. She had a beautiful face even though she was old. She had a staff in one of her hand to support her and her other hand was clenched into a fist as though she was holding on to something.

"What's going on?How do you know my name? How can you create a void or whatever it is? Why should I listen to you?" I kept on asking questions that were filled in my head. How was this even possible? Were the stories of magic that grandma used to tell me true? Did this person know how to do magic?

I no longer knew what to do as everything was confusing me a lot. I had to know what was going on.

"Victoria listen to me! Your mother sent me here. I cannot tell you all the details as time is running out. Just know that you are supposed to place this gem in that pendant of yours right now." The old woman placed the gem in my palm as she said those words.

"My mo-moth- mother? My mother is alive?" I stuttered.

"Yes. Your mother and father are alive but they need your help."
I was too shocked by then. I stared at her with gaping mouth.

"Where are they? Why do they need my help?" Everything was getting more and more complicated.
Suddenly there was a crack in the void. The white walls of nothingness that surrounded us starting falling apart.

"Oh no! My void is falling apart." The old woman panicked.

"Tell me! Why do they need my help? Where are they?" I asked her hurriedly.

She grabbed me by my shoulders and looked me in the eyes.

"Victoria, your mother and father are in danger. You are the only one who can save them now. Put this gem in your pendant and it will lead you to the Nevada kingdom. They are there. I can't be here anymore. Do as I said. Remember you are the only one who can save them and us."
With those words she vanished into thin air. Just like that.

"Hey! Old granny? Where are you? I can't understand anything!" I shouted but there was no trace of her.

With the void falling apart with each passing second I decided to do as she said even though everything was hard to believe and was confusing. I had to look for my parents. If grandma was here, she'd tell me to do the same.

I quickly put the gem in my empty necklace and it started giving out a blue light and levitated in air. Soon I felt as though I was floating in air.

"What's happening??" I asked myself panicking.

The blue light shone much brightly till it covered me whole and I felt myself drifting away into darkness.

Hey yo! Did you guys like it?

xoxo coco❤

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