Scott's Pack

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After Malia and I explained everything that's happened to us to Scott and his friends, they started telling us about hunters, kanimas, banshees, kitsunes and the nogitsune who is possessing Stiles.

After talking about all that Lydia looked at me and asked, "So what are you?"

"Oh I'm not supernatural."

She looked at me confused and said, "Really?" I heard her say under her breath "That's weird I really thought..."

I didn't know what all that was about but I definitely think she was confusing me with someone else.

After we talked at lunch we went our sperate ways to class. I didn't have much classes with Malia because she was a junior and I was a freshman. Although I did meet a few freshmen who were supernatural and in Scott's pack.

"Hey I'm Corey, this is Mason and Liam is around here somewhere." The two boys looked around.

"Found him, of course he is with Hayden right now, anyways that's Liam." Mason said pointing to a boy flirting with a dark haired girl.

"Scott told us about you and Malia we just came over to say if you ever need anything we're here for you." Corey raised up his hand a little, which was holding Mason's hand.

"Thanks that's really sweet of you guys. Wait are you supernatural too."

Mason answered this time, "Well I'm just human but Corey and Hayden are both chimeras and Liam is a full on werewolf. You're human too right?"

"Oh yeah."

*ring ring*

The bell.

"Y/n," Corey called as I started to leave the classroom, "Let me see your schedule to see if we've got classes together."

"Oh yeah sure," I pulled out my schedule and sure enough me and Corey had most of our classes together. We walked together to next period.


At the end of the day me and Malia headed home talking about our day.

"Oh my gosh Scott, how dreamy was he, I mean it looks like he is dating that Kira girl but whatever, did you meet anyone y/n?"

"Oh yeah I meet some of the freshmen, this one guy Corey."

"What's his deal?"

"Happily in a relationship, and I don't want to break them up." And I honestly didn't, Corey and Mason were so cute and I didn't even think anything more then a friend with Corey.

I don't really know how well I fit at Beacon Hills High yet, I mean we're technically not even part of Scott's pack and I'm just a human it's gonna be hard for Scott to let me in.

When we got inside I went to my room and changed my clothes getting ready for my afternoon run.

"Malia I'm heading out for a run, I'll be back soon!" I shouted as I left and started running.

Since this was a new place I decided to keep safe and stay away from the road, with cars and stuff. I ran on the outskirts of the woods until I came to one section that said private property so I decided to wonder into the woods a little bit.

"Y/n" I stopped and looked around and saw nothing. I could have sworn I heard my name. Turing back around I ran into someone.

"Ah sor- Stiles? Wait you're not really Stiles though,"

"No y/n I promise it's me, I swear to you. I don't know where I've been for the past few days but I know Void is planning something, something big and dangerous." He looked really concerned and if this was Void I don't think he would be telling me all this.

"Ok what is it Stiles?"

We walked for about fifteen minutes until we got to a car crash site in the middle of the woods.

"Stiles why did you bring me here?"

"This is the car crash site of Malia's family," He reached into his pocket and pulled out a folded up map, "This map has markings on it all in my handwriting."

"All the markings are pointing to this crash?" I asked looking down at the map which had where we were right now circled.

"Yeah but I don't know why, y/n I don't know what I'm planning but it-it's not good I think I'm going to hurt people." He sat down on a huge rock and looked up at me his eyes had tears in them.

I sat down next to him, "Hey Stiles look it's not you who is doing this ok? But now that we know something around-"

Stiles cut me off, "y/n, y/n, don't you know you can't trust a fox?"

"Wha-," before I realized I had been tricked, Stiles grabbed my wrist and flung my head onto the rock he set the map on.

Everything went dark.


Next thing I knew I woke up tied to a chair in a rustic looking loft. My head stung and I could feel blood running down.

"Y/n your awake," Void said fidgeting around with some surgical tools. "Do you know where we are y/n."

I looked around it looked like a house but not in any condition for living in.

"Oh yeah that's right you've never been here because you're not even part of the pack yet. Speaking of the pack let's see if they find you in time. It'll be our game."

He touched my cheek with a cold hand before I quickly pulled away my head.

"What do you want with me." I asked starting to get really worried I wasn't just a captive.

He stood up and started polishing the tools again.

"I just want to run some... tests, on you, nothing big just to see what kind of supernatural creature you exactly are." He smiled at me "Don't worry if your lucky maybe Scott will come before I test you see to if your a wendigo, that involves a pretty big cut." He said smiling as he held up a large surgical knife.

Chaos Has Come Again // Stiles Stilinski (Void)Where stories live. Discover now