Void Wants To Speak With You

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"No it's just, new to me I guess."

Theo looked unconvinced, "Whatever, that's enough for today."

"What, I just started to run really fast-"

"Don't forget I've got to get a job."

"How could I." I rolled my eyes.

"Look we can meet again tomorrow, but I can't promise I can teach you perfectly. This whole thing is kind of new to me." Theo picked up his bag and walked away.

I was left standing by myself. I looked back to where I thought I saw Stiles, and started walking in that direction.

I came upon the spot where Stiles had tricked me before and kidnapped me.

"Y/n?" I froze to scared to have another encounter with Void.

Liam came up to me, "Liam? What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I followed you here, I don't care what Theo said, I'm not leaving you alone with him."

"Thanks Liam, but I don't think he really has any reason to do anything to me." I walked back to my bag and said good-bye to Liam and walked off.

It was a school morning and already 7:41 in four minutes the first st bell would go off.


When I got to school Malia met up with me, "How was training?"

"Fine, Liam actually followed me there, so you'll be happy I wasn't alone with Theo."

"That's great actually, I still think he is bad news." Malia said, "I have to go to class, but I'll meet up with you at lunch."

The day stretched out, I couldn't stay focused. My mind was racing with thoughts about Void and training.

At lunch I sat with my friends and stayed quiet.

"Hey you think you meet up at Derek's loft, tonight at five?" Scott asked me when lunch was coming to an end.

"Yeah I can be there."

The rest of school was as slow as the first part. Malia stayed at school to meet up with Lydia for some math help.

I walked down the sidewalk to our apartment and got the sudden feeling like someone was watching me. I picked up speed and eventually started running.

This whole Void situation was messing with my mind. I was starting to get paranoid.

*ring ring ring* I jumped, when the phone went off.

"Hello?" I said picking up the phone.

"Hey I might be a little late, Lydia wants to go over a few more problems." Malia said on the other end.

"Oh yeah that's fine, just don't forget about going to the loft." I hung up.

Now I had a hour or so, by myself.

"Ok calm down y/n." I tried to calm myself down going over to the windows and closing the curtains.


I left the apartment and headed towards the loft. Malia never came home, she probably went straight to the loft.

It had started to get dark.

I reached the apartment where Derek lived. Before I could open the door I heard a car pull up. Kira hopped out.

"Hey y/n-" Kira stopped mid sentence and fell to the ground. She had been injected in the back of her neck with a tranquilizer.

In her place stood Void, he stepped over her and started walking slowly towards me.

I fumbled for the handle behind me and quickly ran into the building. I ran up the stairs, if someone could help me right now they would be in the loft.

"Y/n," I heard from down the stair way, "Why are you so scared of me, I only want to help?"

I ignored his taunts and continued up, it was quiet, too quiet. I stopped and looked down seeing nothing I turned around and my eyes met with Void's.

"Hi y/n." He said injecting what I guessed to be the same thing he used on Kira in my neck.

As I faded in and out of consciousness collapsing to the floor. Void bent down, "And to think this could all have been avoided if you just would have listened to me."

Everything went black.

--Malia's POV--

"It been two hours, where are Kira and Y/n?" I said walking back and forth in the loft.

"Maybe we should try Kira again?" Scott said reaching for his phone.

"Wait," Allison cut in, "Kira's car is out in the parking lot."

We all raced down the stair way and found Kira outside her car on the ground.

"Kira!" Scott shouted running over to her. He bent down and got her up, "Kira are ok? What happened?"

Kira looked up at us, "He wasn't after me." She said leaning her weight against Scott, who was looking at her confused.

"Y/n" Lydia said, "Void came after y/n."

--Y/n's POV--

I woke up in a cold basement. I looked around to see what I could in the dark.

I saw a couch and papers on the floor, I saw some pipes and light coming down from small holes in the ceiling.

I knew where I was, Echien House, where this had all started.

Where Malia met Stiles on my seven year anniversary. 

My concentration was pulled from looking around when I heard something at the darkest part of the basement.

"Hello! I know your there! Just come out!" I screamed at the dark.

Void emerged and walked towards me, "Keep your voice down, they might hear you."

I shivered as he walked towards me.

"It's one of the coldest nights of the year." He said bending down to tighten the bands holding my hand to the pipes behind me.

"Is this your idea of trying to get me on your side? Torturing me?"

"No, but this is part of my plan, and if you want your friends to stay alive, I wouldn't tell them of our little encounter here."

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