Void Has A Plan For You

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I looked from Corey to Void.

It wasn't much of a choice.

In fact there was no choice.

Before I knew what I was doing, I held out my hands to Void, power surging out of them.

Void instantly let go of Corey and started fighting back. Corey ran off to Mason.

I didn't care what happened next as long as Void was stopped. My power seemed to be to much for him and he fell to the ground.

Everyone was silent.

"I think I'm going to get a job as a personal trainer." Theo said breaking the silence.

I laughed to myself almost falling over because of how much energy I had just used.

"Woah," Corey said running over to me, "I got you y/n." He held me up and helped me over to the stairs to sit down.

"Someone should get Stiles." I said looking towards him lying on the pavement.

"Yeah you're right." Scott hurried over to Stiles and picked him up, "So what now?"

"I've got a plan." Lydia said.


We went to Scott's house and called Deaton over.

Stiles was set up on the couch, "Guys I think he's waking up!" Malia shouted at us from the living room.

We all ran out of the kitchen and went over to Stiles, he was still, "I don't know Malia-"

Out of no where Stiles grabbed my wrist, "Ah!" I shouted trying to get him off.

"Not so fast Stiles," Deaton said walking into the room, he quickly took out a bottle from his bag. Scott grabbed Stiles, "Get his mouth open." Deaton called dropping some liquid into Stiles's mouth while Scott held him.

All of a sudden Stiles's grip on my wrist loosened and he let go completely.

"What was that?" I asked rubbing my wrist.

"A tranquilizer." Deaton said.

"It won't last forever" Void said, "And when it wears off I'm not going to go easy on you." He said to all of us, but he looked at me as if I was the one being threatened.

Melissa saw I was uncomfortable, "Got anything for his mouth Doc?"

"Yeah I do." Deaton said pulling out a strip of duck tape and covered Stiles' mouth.

"Works for me." Melissa said. We all walked over to the kitchen to work out some sort of plan.

I noticed Stiles was bleeding. I went over to the cabinet and grabbed some medical supplies.

"Y/n?" Corey asked noticing what I was doing.

"It's fine." I responded, "He can't move, and there is still a human under there who can't heal as easily as you guys."

I took the medical kit and sat by Void, starting to clean up to cut on his head.

Stiles suddenly started crying.

"Stiles?" I asked with hopefulness in my voice. He nodded his head, I reached over and took the tape off.

"Y/n, I'm scared. What's going to happen to me?" Stiles said chocking on his tears.

"Stiles don't worry I'm not going to let anything bad happen to you." Stiles looked at me and started snickering.

"Really? Y/n, I shed one tear. That's all it takes?" Stiles said laughing.

I pushed the tape right back over his mouth and walked out of the house onto the front steps.

As I sat down, I watched all the people go by who had no clue what was going on. I felt a tear roll down my face. I heard Stiles's voice in my ear 'don't worry y/n you're safe with me.'

"Y/n." Malia said interrupting my thoughts, "Scott has a plan."

I rushed inside and looked towards Scott.

"I can go inside his head," He paused looking towards me, "But I think y/n should go with me."



"I still can't believe I agreed to this." I said sting down next to Stiles, who tilted his head to look at me. I rolled me eyes.

"Ok let's get this over with." I said right before Scott took out his claws and stuck them in the back of both our necks.

I woke up in a room strapped down to a bed. I looked across the room to Scott who had already started breaking free of the straps.

He walked over to me and started to undo the straps holding me down.

"Thanks," I said looking past him towards a door.

"Are you ready for this?" He asked a hand on the door knob.

"Does it matter?" Scott opened the door and walked through, I followed after him.

All of a sudden I wasn't anywhere near the room I had just been in, "Scott!" I called out. I looked around and noticed the surroundings around me.

I was in the closed unit at Eichen in one of the over protective cells. "Stiles!" I called out.

"Y/n.." I saw Stiles outside the glass barrier, he was in the cell across from me.

"Stiles is that you?"

"Y/n it's me I need-" He stopped suddenly.

"What Stiles?" Before he answered I saw the nogitsune walking up towards my glass. I looked back at Stiles who was no longer there but had become the nogitsune now.

"It's not real y/n fight it."

"Not real?" Stiles asked putting his hand up to the glass as I slowly backed up, "You're in our head now y/n, you have no control over what happens next." I tried backing up farther but ran into the wall behind me.

Stiles walked through the glass and closer to me, "Everything that happens is totally up to me."

--Scott's POV--

After going through the final door I found myself in a big empty storage room.

Y/n wasn't here.

Something was wrong.

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