Stiles, Stiles And Me

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"How did none of us see him walk past us?" Scott said grumbling.

"We were all a little distracted with the person coming out of the floor." Malia replied, they went on arguing, while me and the real Stiles sat on the couch.

"Hey, look I'm sorry about all that happened." Stiles started.

"It's not your fault Stiles. You clearly had no control."

"Yeah but I remember what I did and I was so terrible to you, I don't even want to think what Void is up to now." Stiles said, I could tell he felt really terrible about all this, even though he wasn't the one who did it.

I put my hand on Stiles's chest, "It wasn't you, plus you're back now, you're safe." He put his hand over mine and gave me an unconvinced smile.

"I think I know where he is going." I said getting ready to call the rest of the group, but Stiles stopped me.

"Don't. I think it would be better if it was just us, I can't have anyone else hurt because of me."

"I don't agree with this." I said to Stiles, he seemed really serious and personally responsible. "Okay let's go." I said finally, me and Stiles walking out the door to my car.

As I pulled out of the driveway I looked towards Stiles, "Are you alright? I mean you just got a demon out of you and-"

"I look like I'm dying." Stiles said finishing my sentence.

"Well, that's not really how I was going to put it but, yeah."

Stiles looked towards me, "I'm fine, and I want to help stop him. I feel like it's up to me now."

I took Stiles's hand, "Up to us." Stiles smiled at me weakly.

I pulled out from Scott's house and Stiles and I went off to find the nogitsune.

"The back of Eichen?" Stiles asked as we pulled up behind the building.

"Yeah, Kira's mom was talking about all these tunnels and passage ways. She said she fought off the nogitsune here, so maybe he was feeling sentimental." I said hopping out of the car.

Stiles walked up to me and stared into my eyes, "Promise me no matter what happens with me, you will stop him."

"Stiles nothing is going to happen to you, I would let it." I replied trying to walk off before Stiles stopped me again.

"Y/n I'm serious. I know we are all still wondering if I'm connected to him in some way, but you can't stop on my behalf."

I looked up at Stiles, "Okay, don't worry." I said, I wasn't sure if it was going to come to that or not. No matter what, I wasn't going to let Stiles get hurt.

We walked up into one of the closest gated passage ways. I shook the metal gate, the lock popped, "It's open, finally some good news." I said swinging it open.

I took one step in and felt the shift in the energy, "Y/N!" Stiles called out behind me. I spun around and saw the gate had shut, locking him out on the other side.

I ran up to the gate shaking it with all I had, "Y/n, watch out!" Stiles called looking past me. I turned around and saw Void walking down the stairs.

"Y/n, you have to get him." Stiles said behind the gate, I nodded and stretched out my hands towards Void energy rushing out of them.

Void continued walking down completely unharmed, I heard a crash behind me. Stiles had fallen to the ground. My powers were affecting Stiles not Void.

"I'm untouchable." Void said, I bent down reaching towards Stiles, the gate in was the only thing in between us.

"Stiles, Stiles wake up okay? You have to get up." Stiles turned towards me, "Stiles go get Scott." I said to him.

"I can't leave you here,"

"He's not going to hurt me." I whispered into Stiles's ear, he bent through the gate and gave me a kiss on the cheek before running out to the car, going to find Scott.

"He actually left you, I expected more from him." Void said standing right next to me now," To bad you can't defend yourself. Anything you do, will only hurt Stiles."

"I might not be able to fight back but I can still defend myself." I said running up the stairs Void had came from.

The tunnels were like a giant maze, all I had to do was keep myself from getting stuck in a corner.

"You can't run forever y/n. Soon Scott will be here and you're going to want to come out and protect them all."

I couldn't respond, any sound at all from me could give away where I was in a quick moment. Instead I kept running, trying to but as much distance be tween me and Void as I could, but to be honest I was completely lost.

"I heard you were the only one who could actually defeat me. I guess that means your friends will just be a playdate." His voice sounded closer, I kept moving.

"And that Stiles, man. You think he is dying? He certainly looks like it. I guess his human body couldn't handle a demon. Oh well."

I knew what Void was trying to do. He was trying to get a rise out of me and make me fight back.

"Don't get me started with Corey, I should have killed him when I had the chance. I mean what is he good for? All he can do is disappear."

Crap. I ran into a dead end. I couldn't turn around now, Void was to close I could feel it. I shook the gate in front of me, trying to get it opened.

It was useless.

"Boo." Void said right behind me. I spun around facing Void. He grabbed my wrist pulling me close, "Your friends are here," He whispered in my ear, "And your going to watch each one of them die."

Chaos Has Come Again // Stiles Stilinski (Void)Where stories live. Discover now