Chapter 10: Freedom

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"Hello motherfucker".

As the guard opening the door realised what was being pointed at him, I pulled the trigger and smirked as he fell lifeless to the floor. Blooding pooling out over the pristine marble.

With Oscar's gun firmly by my side, I stepped over the dead body and walked further into the large house which lacked guards. Perhaps he was that much of a coward and brought most of his dogs with him to the meeting.

But as the rest of my men stepped in behind me and surrounded me, a loud alarm tore through the house to alert others of us intruding.

As if that bothered me.

Since killing my father, I found a new enjoyment. I loved killing off scum. I was here on a rescue mission, but I would be lying if I said I didn't enjoy watching the life leave men's eyes.

Even though Oscar wasn't here, his men protected me as much as he did. They circled me to protect me and the baby with their guns poised and ready to attack anyone that tried to come for me.

"We need to move and find those girls" I yelled out over the alarm.

Looking to my left, I saw some scum creeping behind some ornaments hoping to come undetected, but I never miss.

Firing a shot straight at one of the man's heads, the bullet tore through his eye and hit another man behind him.

"Jesus, how did you get such a good aim?" Graham asked with a laugh.

"Oscar. Now let's move. You 4 take the left, you three guard the front, you 5 upstairs and you 5 with me. Brian, wait in the car and be ready to leave".

Brian gave me a frown and tilted his head.

"What? Why?".

Giving him a small smile, I looked to my trusted men and then back at him.

"Because I need someone I trust there. Can I trust you Brian?".

Brian's frown disappeared and a small smile came onto his face.

"Of course you can" he responded almost immediately.

I watched Brian run off to the front door and looked back at me once more. He turned his back on me and walked out the door.

"Gentlemen, shoot to kill. But don't forget, this is a rescue mission. They will be scared and distressed, but our priority is to get them out to safety".

"Yes ma'am" they all responded before rushing off with their guns in hand.

Leading the way through the hallway, I stepped cautiously with my gun gripped tightly in my hand. Men rushed round corners eager to eliminate the threat, but they all met with the barrel of my gun.

Looking back at my men, I saw them focused shooting men that tried to shoot me, but failed.


Looking over to the manly voice, I noticed Sam standing by an open door in which a dead guard was guarding.

"Remember, they may lash out but it's only because they've been hurt by men. Treat them with care".

Rushing over to Sam, I let him walk in front and stayed close behind him ready to find those girls Nolan destroyed.

As we turned a corner, I stopped dead in my tracks as we stood face to face with a burly man holding a gun to a young girl's head.

I felt sick to my stomach. She was stick thin, bruises all over her and dried blood marks coming from her womanhood all the way down her legs. I couldn't begin to imagine the pain the girls went through.

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