Chapter 9: Old friend

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"I know he's self discharged from us, but please if you notice anything such as headaches, disorientation or anything out of the ordinary, please call us. He's improved a lot, but he still needs to follow these exercises. Keep him busy and don't let him push himself". 

The doctor handed over a bag of medication and several documents before bidding us farewell. Even though Oscar lashed out at the staff when they tried to persuade him to stay, it didn't stop her going over to the car and talking to him.

Glancing down at my phone, I looked to find a message pop up from the bidding.

Fuck, it's Brian.

Shoving my phone into my pocket, I ran a hand through my hair and walked back to my car nervous to fill Oscar in. He was like a loose cannon. He was eager to proceed with plans, but he'd be furious at what I was about to tell him about Brian. I should have looked at it to prepare myself, but I had to do it in front of Oscar.

He still doubted me, but I had no intention of betraying him. I knew it would take a lot, but I craved forgiveness. I had no-one left except my brother and mother. I just prayed they'd one day find it in their hearts to consider forgiving me. I realised too late that family are truly the only ones that stick around in life. Friends only use you for their own gain, but family never betrays. If I hadn't let my mind be corrupted, I'd have a strong and secure family. But I lost that.

Sitting down in the driver's seat, I threw the paperwork behind me before proceeding to start the car.

"What did she say to you?".

"She said she fancied you".

Oscar rolled his eyes and shook his head.

"I'm kidding, she said not to push yourself and for me to keep an eye on you. Just because you're out does not mean you can start slacking on your exercises. I want you to become stronger than you ever have before".

Oscar mumbled something under his breath before turning to look out the window.

Switching the engine on, I waved at the doctor once more before pulling out of the parking space and out of the clinic car park. 

"Where are we gonna go?" I asked Oscar wondering what was on his mind.

"Anywhere discreet where I can start planning Brian's death" he replied in a sinister tone with a sadistic smile on his face.

"Fuck, that was dark. But sounds like a plan. I have a warehouse about 30 minutes away. But I don't think I can wait that long to tell you an important update".

Oscar's head whipped over to face me with a frown on his face.

"An update?" he repeated with his eyebrows raised in curiosity.

Pulling into an empty car park under the dark night sky, I pulled out my phone and opened up the bid on Eleanor.

"I won the bidding. Brian has made contact with me".

Before I could say another word, Oscar grabbed the phone from out of my hand and stared at it intently.

His hard eyes suddenly softened as if overcome with emotion.

But as I prepared myself for what was to happen next, Oscar suddenly smiled and gave me a subtle nod.

"Well done Cole, you were right. And judging from his message, he does not suspect a thing".

It felt good to see Oscar happy with me. Maybe I was on the road to redemption.

"What did the message say?".

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