Chapter 3: Complications

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"Can I have a word with you outside Mr Hendricks?".

The doctor overseeing Oscar's care signalled for me to follow her, concern plastered all over her face.

Looking at Oscar once more, I shuddered at the glare he was giving me before looking back at the photos left behind for him. Sadness. He looked so broken whilst looking at them.

Even though he'd never forgive me, I felt horrible for what I had done. Blinded and manipulated by my father all because he saw Oscar as a failure. He truly believed Oscar became weak for bringing a child into the world and letting her live a normal life. But little did he know, that he'd prove to be stronger than all of us.

"Is everything ok?" I asked the doctor once the door separated us from Oscar.

"Yes and no. So first off his observations are looking good. Blood pressure, saturates and respiratory rate are at good numbers. He of course has been in an induced coma for some time, so it will take a while for things to get back to normal. May I ask, is he normally this non-compliant?".

Looking through the glass window, I watched as Oscar glared at one of the nurses yelling at him to stop poking him with needles.

"Unfortunately, yes. He's one of the most stubborn people I know. But I know he's just very agitated because he hasn't seen his daughter and pregnant girlfriend in so long. When it comes to them, he won't stop until he sees them".

The doctor looked at Oscar nodding at what I told her.

"So what's the bad news?".

The doctor looked down at her notes before looking back up at me.

"So there are many tests we will need to conduct on him, but I have noticed that he is struggling to do certain things like picking up a pen, holding a spoon and many other fine motor skills. I know he has been in a coma for some time and things like that are to be expected, but I have to know if anything else has happened to him. I am aware of the fire, but is there anything that has yet to be disclosed to us?". 

No wonder Oscar was getting frustrated if he was struggling to do basic things.

"Yes. He said someone tried suffocating him whilst he was still in his coma. Could that cause complications?".

"Oh gosh! Are the police aware? But yes. Suffocation starves the brain of oxygen. It is too early to make a diagnosis as we need to do some tests, but from what we have seen, we have reason to believe that Oscar has some brain injuries due to that. It is not going to be an quick process, but with your support I think we will see recovery in the foreseeable future. My biggest concern is seeing him on his feet. He has also made it very clear that he wants to get out as soon as possible, but I urge you to try and talk him out of it. He is not in the right state and we want to ensure that he becomes stronger before leaving".


Oscar is going to lose his shit. Another minute away from his family and the bodies will start piling up. 

"Yes, the police are aware" I lied.

"And I don't know. We're not on great terms. I think I'm the last person he'll listen to".

The doctor tilted her head and frowned.

"Put everything aside for his sake. I know he wants to see his family, but he is very weak and needs time to recover. Please, try and make him see sense. We will start the tests in an hour. For now, try and persuade him".

The doctor walked to the door and gently opened it up calling for the nurse who was trying to get through to Oscar. But he was having none of it.

"We will be back in an hour. If you need anything, press the call bell".

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