Chapter 22: Honeymoon

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"You never told me you had a private jet!".

I couldn't help but smile at her as she spun round, her beautiful face full of excitement. Her eyes lit up just like a child at Christmas. God she looked so unbearably cute.

"You never asked sweetheart. Come on, let's go".

With Eleanor leading the way, I playfully smacked her ass making her yell out in shock and hurry up the steps not wanting me to do it again. But it only enticed me more as she looked back anxiously.

But as soon as she reached the top steps, she let out an audible gasp which put a smirk on my face.

"How much did this cost?" she whispered out as her eyes moved around the spacious interior.

"It doesn't matter. What matters is how many family holidays we are going to have with this jet".

Eleanor rested her hand on my arms that were snaked around her hips and gently patted my tan hand.

Eleanor froze in my grip at the mention of family. We had been gone from our girls for nearly 2 hours and Eleanor was struggling.

"Baby, I know you miss them, but they're in safe hands at your mums. Besides, all the guards are there with them. Now, how's about we get changed into something more comfortable and have some champagne hm?".

Pressing my lips on her warm neck, I looked at her concerned by her silence. But sure enough, she turned her face to me and nodded with a small smile on her lips.

Gently pushing her further in, I guided her over through the expensive seating area to the door at the back of the plane.

"I've packed some comfy clothes for you. Get changed and I'll get the champagne. Oh, I've been meaning to ask, you wanna join the mile high club?".

Eleanor's cheeks turned red and bit her lip.

"You don't have to ask" she giggled.

Gently moving her hair to the side, I pressed my lips on her sweet neck before ordering her to wait for me here whilst I get a few things. 

Smirking at her flustered state, I slowly helped her out of the beautiful wedding dress and let the delicate material fall to the floor.

My heart stopped at the sight of her standing semi naked before me. God, she literally took my breath away each time I looked at her. She was the most beautiful woman I had and would ever lay my eyes on. 

"I'll be right back. Get into bed darling". 

Letting my hand slide down her smooth back, I squeezed her ass tightly before nudging her forwards.

Hurrying out the room, I rushed back to the door to help load the bags and suitcases onto the jet. Even though Eleanor was in the dark about where we were going, I told her to pack for 10 days. But how many suitcases did she bloody need.

"Right, that's the lot. Gentlemen, this is the first time I'm leaving my girls. Do whatever it takes to keep them safe. I'm trusting you with their lives. Call me for anything. Got it?".

"Yes boss" they replied back just as stern knowing I didn't mess around when it came to my family. I didn't blame Eleanor for being anxious. I was a complete nervous wreck at the thought of leaving my girls behind.

But we needed some time alone. 

Stepping back into the plane, I signalled to the steward that we were all set and watched as the door shut. 

"We're ready for take off" the captain yelled back from the cockpit and turned back to the controls.

Thanking the staff, I neatened my hair and grabbed my small bag ready to have some fun with my wife. 

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