Chapter 19: Fix me, love me

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3 months later

"Sorry Oscar, I am stealing your fiancee for the night".

Cal gripped my hand and pulled me possessively to his side. Oscar rolled his eyes and neatened his tie.

"Make sure she's on her best behaviour Cal" Oscar glared between Cal and I.

Cal suddenly looked at me before looking back at Oscar.

"Nah" Cal winked before walking over to Amelia who was frowning with a double chin at the toy he had given her. It seemed since birth all she does is frown. Guess she takes after her father.

Looking at Oscar, I noticed him staring at me like he was out of it. I was still annoyed from last night's argument.

It had been 3 months since Amelia came along, and every single time I made a move on him, he'd turn me down.

It hurt being rejected and truthfully, I felt humiliated.

Oscar was a man driven by sex, that was how he coped with stress, so why was he turning it down constantly. He'd always make excuses like he was tired or busy. I respected his wishes, but it hurt knowing he was lying to me.

"Have you got plans for your bachelor party?" I asked with my eyes fixed on his perfectly fitted suit.

"Well, with the kids going to stay with mum an hour away, I'm just going to have a couple of drinks here with the guys".

Oscar looked me up and down, his jaw clenching at my very short dress. But suddenly his eyes stopped on my neck that was covered with a very large choker. Sadness flashed through his eyes as this was another day I covered it up.

"I know you're going be at my club, so drinks are on the house. But please call me if you need anything. Enjoy your night sweetheart". I stared at the ground as he kissed me gently on my head. He seemed resistant to move as he kept his lips on my skin, but sure enough he pulled away and stared and me intently before walking away.

I had hoped he'd apologise and tell me what was on his mind, but he picked up Amelia and cooed at her before taking her away.

"Did he say drinks are on the house?" Cal smirked as he put on a t-shirt with my face on it.

"Yeah" I responded with my eyes fixed on the door that Oscar had just walked through.

I could feel Cal's eyes on me, but he stayed silent as if knowing was something was up, but chose not to question it.

"You worried about something chickpea?".

Turning back to Cal, I gave him a small smile and shook my head.

"Just a little anxious to leave the kids. It's my first night away from them".

Cal walked over to me and wrapped his arms around me.

"I know chickpea, but they're gonna be in safe hands with Diane and 8 guards. Now, I think it's time to let our hair down and take advantage of your soon to be husband's unlimited drinks".

He slowly pulled away and forced me to twirl around with my hand in his.

I wasn't in the mood for dancing. I wasn't a very outgoing person and truthfully all I wanted to do was watch a movie with my family.

Honestly, I didn't have many friends at all. I was a bit of a loner by my own choice. Most friends use you to get what they want, but Cal and a couple of other friends would help me to let my hair down for once.


2 hours later

Standing in the middle of the dance floor surrounded by drunk fools, I took a sip of my single vodka and coke and swayed to the beat.

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