Chapter 5

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Two days later, the noble ladies went to the palace to attend the tea party that Luana was organizing in the afternoon. They were coming from different families of different social ranks. The girls all gathered in the big salon with Lady Lobelia, impatiently awaiting the princess' arrival.

The atmosphere was suffocating for Azusa. The young girls around her were doing nothing but gossiping with each other and showing off with their dresses, jewelry and wealth.

Compared to them, the young lady was wearing a pretty simple burgundy colored dress with slightly puffed sleeves, black ankle boots and some jewelry. As for her hair, she let it free.

'Please, Luana, come quickly. Don't leave me alone with these people,' she thought.

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Luana walked slowly along the long corridor to reach the big salon that was in the west wing of the palace, a bit far from her bedroom. She was dressed in a pretty beige, long-sleeved velvet dress and a pair of beige suede boots with small high heels. As for her hair, it was styled in a pretty messy braid.

'I hope I didn't keep them waiting for too long,' she thought as she walked faster.

She continued to advance in her way while being lost deep in her thoughts.

'I haven't seen Sir Koraxos since my birthday ball. I've planned to return his gift to him. But I can't find him anywhere-'

"Good afternoon, Your Highness."

Once she heard that voice, Luana was snapped out of her thoughts. She raised her head to meet the gaze of the man she was thinking about. The latter was wearing his usual attire, clearly in duty. He smiled warmly at her as he bowed.

"Good afternoon, Sir Koraxos. How are you?" she replied, smiling back at him.

"I'm good. Thank you for asking. What about you, Your Highness? Are you feeling better?" he asked, concern clear in his voice.

"Yeah. I'm feeling way better than before. Thank you."

"I'm glad to hear that. So, you're heading to the big salon for the tea party aren't you?"

"Yeah, that's right."

"I'll take you there, then," he suggested as he stood beside her, still smiling.

"N-no, you really don't need to bother yourself for me. I thank you for that but," she replied hastily.

"I don't feel bothered nor obliged at all. On the contrary, it's my duty as your bodyguard to accompany you everywhere."

"I know that.  But it's really not necessary. I'm sure you have other duties who are far more important than this. Plus, the salon is just a few meters away from here," she explained nervously.

'Nothing is more important than you,' he though to himself.

"You really don't need to worry, Sir Koraxos," she reassured with a smile.

They stood there, looking at each other for a moment without saying anything until the young knight sighed heavily.

"If you insist, Your Highness," he replied, smiling back slightly.

"Thank you. Then, I guess I'll be going."

As she said that and tried to continue on her way, the young knight stopped her on her tracks.

"By the way, Your Highness," he started hesitantly.

"Yes?" she asked curiously.

"I-I wanted to ask you the other day, but I didn't get the chance to see you again. So... The gift that I gave you on your birthday... Did you like it?" he asked, scratching the back of his neck nervously.

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