Chapter 18

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At the palace, Angus was in the emperor's office, accompanied by Matthew and Eric.

He had a few letters and documents to take care of, laid out in front of him.

"The knights who have been tasked with bringing the leader of the bandits back to his country have delivered him to the authorities of Naintis. He will be executed in about two days," Matthew informed.

"He's getting what he deserves," Angus replied, a glint of hatred in his eyes and voice.

"Regarding the case of the young man with red eyes and white hair, we found nothing. It's very likely that he's also a foreigner," the red haired knight added.

"He may have run away after completing his mission," Eric said.

"It's very possible... Anyway, it's not our priority at the moment. We will settle this matter later. For now, we must remain vigilant because there's someone who's trying to sow doubt among us. We must also protect His Majesty and ensure that his state of health does not deteriorate more than it already is," said the duke.

"Understood, Your Grace," Matthew and Eric replied, bowing.

A few minutes later, someone knocked on the door.

"Come in !" Angus ordered.

It was Doctor Cross who entered the room.

"Good morning, Your Grace," he greeted, bowing.

"Good morning, Doctor Cross."

"Your Grace, as you know, since the princess' departure, I've started to do some researches about the Kleffasse and how to make a remedy with it."

"Yeah, I know that."

"Well, I discovered something very interesting and that can be useful for us. It could save our emperor in no time."

"Really ? And what is it ?" asked Angus attentively.

"Unlike other remedies made from other plants, a Kleffasse potion doesn't take a long time to be brewed and doesn't need to be mixed with any other medicinal herb."

"Explain to me more, Doctor."

"To put it simply, to prepare a Kleffasse remedy, it's enough to just make an infusion of that plant. That is to say, boil water in a container and leave the plant there for a minute. Once this is done, the remedy is ready and it can be given to the patient."

"Are you sure it works, Doctor ?" Eric asked, uncertain.

"Yeah, I'm sure. I've read it in several books. It's the fastest and most efficient way to prepare it."

"So all that's left is to wait for the princess and the captain to come back with the plant," Matthew concluded.

"I'm worried about them... I hope that nothing will happen to them..." Angus added, a worried expression on his face.

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On the Neldor Forest's side, the monsters continued to approach the small group slowly. They had a frightening and disgusting form with their very long arms with long claws and their large jaws with sharp canines.

"Why do you want to kill us ?!" Luana asked angrily.

"Why ? Well, the reason is very simple, Princess. I want your powers," he replied with a smirk.

"Our powers ? What for ?" she asked, confused.

"Do you see this tree behind me ? I take my magic and power from it since it can absorb magical energy. But for that, the people who hold those energies have to die," he added.

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