Chapter 4

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The next morning, Azusa returned to the palace to visit Luana, given the incident that happened the day before. The two young girls sat down in the small salon in the princess' room to talk about it while having breakfast.

"He's really crazy this guy, I swear!" Azusa exclaimed angrily.

"Calm down, Azu," Luana replied quietly.

"How do you want me to calm down?! That bastard ruined your birthday with his bullshits and lies!" she added, enraged.

"No, he didn't really ruin it-"

"Are you kidding me?! He came to the ball in mourning attire without any sort of shame and dared to spill nonsenses in front of everyone! If his cousin was really that important to him, he wouldn't have come and ruined her daughter's birthday like he did!" she stated, completely annoyed.

"It's nothing, Azu... Really... Don't bother yourself with-"

"It's not nothing, Luana! He's abusing of the emperor's generosity. He must be grateful that His Majesty is letting him alive despite all his evil doings. If it were up to me, I would have killed him a long time ago!"

"It's really okay, Azu. I've already forgotten everything that happened yesterday. Besides, he isn't worthy wasting our time being mad at him. Let's just forget about him."

"If only I had heard him. I would have taught him a good lesson there," she said with a murderous aura.

"Wow, now you're really freaking me out. I don't want my best friend to commit a murder. And by the way, who informed you about that incident, in the first place?"

"Dad, of course. Who else?" she replied, shrugging.

"Ah yeah, I forgot that he was present when it happened."

"He didn't want to interfere since His Majesty was by your side. Although, he was furious."

"Yeah, I understand him."

"He saw and heard all what happened. And when he had enough and wanted to teach that coward a lesson, Sir Koraxos took care of it."

"Took care of it? What did he do?"

"He went to the latter and threatened him," she added.

"He threatened him?! When did that happen?!" the princess asked, surprised.

"Yeah! It was right after you and your father left the main hall. I don't know what he told him exactly, but the duke left the room hastily, his face as white as a sheet from fear," she sneered.

"He must have really scared him."

"I'm sure he threatened to kill him. That'll teach him to say bullshits again!"

"Yeah, you're right."

At those words, the young ladies burst out laughing together. When they calmed down, Azusa gave her friend a teasing look.

"Talking about yesterday, your bodyguard seems to really like you a lot, Luana."

"What? W-what are you talking about?" the latter asked, completely taken aback.

"Don't tell me you didn't notice how he was looking at you! He definitely had stars in his eyes! They were filled with love and adoration!" she exclaimed, teasing her more.

"N-no... I didn't notice at all," she replied, blushing slightly.

"Are you blind or something? And the way he stood up for you? It was so heroic and romantic, oh my god."

"Yeah, I saw that. But that's normal. He's my bodyguard after all and it's his duty to protect me."

"What about the dance?! He asked you to dance with him!" she exclaimed in exasperation.

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