Chapter 22

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The next morning, the princess and her bodyguard set off for Lemgan city. The latter was four hours away from the capital on horseback.

They had opted for very sober and discreet clothing to avoid attracting attention, but also warm to protect themselves from the cold and snow.

The girl wore black pants with a woolen sweater of the same color, a pair of black boots and a long burgundy colored, hooded fur cape over it. She had styled her hair into a pretty braid.

As for the captain, he wore a dark blue sweater, black pants, boots of the same color, and on top, a long dark blue fur cape, also with a hood.

The two young people were sitting on their horses, walking side by side while talking.

"It's a pity we didn't bring Leo and Lea with us. They would have been of a great help to us with their developed flair," said Luana.

"Yeah, that's true. But, two strangers accompanied by two wolves, it will attract too much attention. We can't risk that happening."

"That's for sure."

"We should also put on our hoods when we arrive to the city. To avoid any risk of someone recognizing us."

"Yeah, I understand."

A brief moment of silence settled in.

"I wonder... What is the reason of these massacres ? It's a little... Weird... Especially since these cities have been known to be very calm and peaceful since the dawn of time," Luana said.

"I don't know. I'm wondering the same thing too. But...I don't think that all of this is a coincidence..."

"Do you think that it has something to do with the Grandmaster ?"

"It's very possible... But, we'll find out soon..."

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A few hours later, the two young people saw, in the distance, a tall large wall and the big gate of the city of Lemgan.

"We've arrived," Lucas whispered.

They dismounted from the backs of their horses, put their hoods on their heads and advanced towards the entrance while leading their horses by the reins.

Once inside, they saw, on the left, a large stable for horses. A young man was standing nearby, bringing large baskets of apples and carrots for the animals.

"We should leave Piper and Evan there since we won't need them for now," Lucas suggested.

"Yeah, that's a very good idea."

The young knight took the reins of the mare from the hands of Luana.

"Wait here. I'll be right back," he demanded before leading the two horses to the stables.

Luana remained standing there. She took the opportunity to explore the city with her eyes.

In front of her was a very large market. There were stalls of all types : fruits and vegetables, meats, wheat, clothing, accessories, souvenirs...

It must have been the most popular place in town judging by the density of people there.

The young girl was so dazzled by the sight in front of her that she didn't notice the return of the knight next to her.

"Shall we go, Luana ? I have the key of the stable where our horses are," Lucas asked.

"Oh ? Yeah, yeah. Let's go," she replied, slightly taken by surprise.

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