TMNT: I Love Being a Turtle

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Will:Hey,Everyone!Get Ready For Music.


Katsuki:Aw Great.

Amanda:What Is this One?

Momonga:Is It Something That Will Make Me Feel ANY Emotion?

Mondo:Probably Lame.

Will:Actually It's About Four People Here And They Are (Y/n),Tenya,Natsu And Mondo!

The Four In Question Were Congratulated By Everyone To Hear That There Gonna Be In a Music Video.

Sayaka:Anything Else That We Need?

Will:Actually Yes,The Four Are Mutant Turtle Brothers That Are Conveniently Ninjas And Have an ArchEnemy Called "The Shredder" And He EARNED That Name.

Everyone Chilled At The Title Alone Because He's A Villian LITERALLY Called "The Shredder"!

Issei:Anything Else?

Will:Rias Is Here And Is Friends with Them And Leon Is A Hockey  Vigilante.......Sorta Of,Let's Begin.

The Screen Lit Up And Revealed The Letters TMNT As Music Played In the Back And Revealed Four Men With Turtle Shells Wearing Ninja Masks And They Are (Y/n) Wearing Blue,Tenya Wearing Purple,Natsu wearing Orange And Mondo Wearing Red Jumping Off a Roof.

~Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles!~

Byakuya:Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles?Really?


1, 2, 3, 4 (Turtles!)

The Screen Showed Mondo Fighting Ninja Foot Soldiers And Kicking Them Away. 

Mutant chain reaction (Turtles!)

The Next Scene Shown Tenya Driving Some Kinda Sewer Vehicle.

Livin' underground (Turtles!)

You Appeared Jumping And Flipping And Kicked The Screen.



Ninjutsu action (Turtles!)
It's a shell of a town!

Natsu Finally Appeared And He Was  Shown Riding On Top of A Moving Vehicle While Smiling And Spinning Nunchucks. 


Erza:Nunchucks Do Work For People Like Natsu........Cause He's An Idiot.

Turtles, count it off!

The Screen Changes to Show Different Scenarios As Each One Of Their Masks Appear Either Above Or Below It.

1, Live by the code of the martial arts

Sakura:I Agree With That Style.

(Y/n):Nice.......So Do I Because It's For Honor......And All That Crap.

2, Never fight unless someone else  starts

Tenya:Yes,Starting Fights Are NEVER Appropriate But Stopping them?....Yes.


Rias Was Shown On The Screen Winking And Flying A Helicopter.


3, Always stick together no matter what


4, If all else fails, then it's time to  kick butt!

Natsu:I Actually Think Im Gonna like that One.

Fairytail Guild:'Of Course....'

Leon Appeared Wearing A Hockey Mask And Whacked The Screen With a Hockey stick.


Makoto:That Seems Like You,Leon.

I love bein' (I love bein') 
I love bein' a Turtle!
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Turtles, count it off!
1, 2, 3, 4 (Turtles!)
There's no one better (Turtles!)

Shinra:~Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles~
Obi:Shinra,I Can See your Enjoying This.

Shinra Tried To Lie And Say He Wasn't But Obi Just Written It Off And Told Him That He Was Enjoying It Too.

A Dark Being Whom No one Could Guess Was Shown In a VERY Sharp Armor And Showed He Had Dark Red Eyes.

Watch out for Shredder (Turtles!) 
They're like no others (Turtles!)
Those teenage brothers
~Teenage Mutant ninja Turtles~

Will:What'd You Guys Think.......?

Will Turned Around To See Everyone In The Audience Singing Or Humming The Theme Song As You Sighed.

Will:........They Liked It.

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