Power Rangers: Timeline Guardians ep2

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Will:Hey Guys!


Will:It's Episode 2 of the Power Rangers!


Celeste:I said once and I'll Say it Again,It's just gay.

Will:Screw You.....Power Ranger Narration!

The screen Showed People Being Attacked By Saiku's Monsters across the Multiverse And Space time continuum.

Narrator:Long Ago,The Ruler Of the Dark Dimension saiku Found The Humanity Core,The Essence of Good And Hope And Tried to Claim it For Himself.

The 5 Animalistic Guardians Of the Dimensions And Timelines Are Shown Giving Up their Energy to Send Saiku back to where he belongs but in Turn,Losing their Bodies.

Narrator:But The Dimension Guardians Sacrificed Themselves To Protect The Balance and keep the dimensions Safe from The Monster,saiku.

Hina:This...is just the Same Narration as before.

Narrator:Years later,Saiku returns with His Soldiers and Army Of Galacti-bots To find The energy and claim it for himself.

narrator:Only ONE Team Of heroes can stop Him.

You and The Others Are Shown Running Towards Something Or Someone As you Step up And Say This.

(Y/n):It's Morphing Time!

They are Shown Morphing As The Narrator Introduces Them As....

Narrator:They are The Power Rangers: Timeline Guardians!

The Screen Shows the Inside of a Dark Area And It's Screams Evil As Dark Spirit Like Energy waves Fly Around In it.

(An:Imagine Something Like A Cross Of Sledge's Ship,Dai Shi's Lair and The Underworld In Mystic Force)

Hina:My God.....It's So Terrifying and Heartless!

Junko(Ecstatic):IT'S PERFECT!

Rias:Let's Ignore her.

Maki:Good Choice.

Saiku Walks Out As Two Other Monsters Follow Him As They Also Appear to be Annoying him.

Saiku:These power rangers Are More Than they Seem to be an Odd Adversary.

??#1:I agree Master But I know that You can destroy those Rangers As we Can Just...

The Monster Speaking Appeared to have The Appearance Of a Mechanic And Has Goggles On it's Forehead along with a Weird Orb thing in it's Chest but as He was Speaking,The Other Henchmen Monster Smacks The one Speaking and Speaks Again As it Says this....

Monster#2:Shut Up,Manic!It was You Who Suggested Such A stupid Monster!

The Now Dubbed 'Manic' Rubs His head as he looks at the other Monster in annoyance and Speaks...

Manic:To be fair,It was A test run for the Rangers,Kazuya.

Kazuya appeared To be a fire-like Monster with a Red Dress having a Fire Designed Dress and Orange Eyes.

Kazuya:You didn't Even know about the Rangers until AFTER,They Destroyed Trigger!


Kazuya:Shutting Up,Master.

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