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Gwoggo watched in utter shock as the teenage girl narrated what was happening to her. The horror of what she was going through broke Gwoggo's heart to pieces. Her face was stained in tears. It was too much for a young girl to take in. She swore to find the bastard that did this to Layla and make him pay. She hated her brother for being so stupid and reckless.

Layla was shaking in an uncontrollable tears. It was a replay of her horror and this one time was the only chance someone had really listened to her.

They sat there in silence Layla's sobs lingering far longer.

"Living in that house was a punishment itself because I know no one wanted me there. I wanted to be on my own when I leave the house but this won't let me." She pointed at her stomach.

Gwoggo inched closer and tapped her shoulder.
"You can stay here Layla, this is also home. You're welcome here." She assured her. The gesture might've seemed so little for Gwoggo, but it really moved Layla and she knew coming here was a right thing.

"We will take care of you to deliver that child before we take it to it's stupid father then sue him and let's hope he get put behind bars for the rest of his useless life." Gwoggo was fuming as though she could see him.

They were seated in a comfortable silence when Usman entered the Living room. He was in his Lab coat and looked very tired.

Usman is an average height and light skinned. His face was a replica of Gwoggo with a closed shaved hair around his temple. He was a typical Fulani and had close to nothing that shows his Kanuri ancestry. He was the talker and the closest to Gwoggo.

He sat down to remove his stockings while greeting his mother.

"I'm so tired today Ummi, Thank God I'll be off today I'll just sleep." He closed his eyes fantasizing his sleep.

"Good morning Usman." Layla greeted in her muffled voice. Her eyes were red from all the crying she did.

"Morning how are you?" He replied not knowing who it was and then surprised she knew his name so he looked at Gwoggo to come to his aide.

"You don't recognize her? It's your cousin Layla." Gwoggo said smiling at her.

"Oh Wallahi I didn't. Layla how's everyone and Kawu?" He made an effort to smile at her even though he was so tired all he wanted to do was sleep.

"They're all fine."

He rose and left to his room leaving Gwoggo and Layla back to their silence.

A day has gone and there was no news on Layla's found. Baba had made a report with the police department and was asked to give her picture for easy identification. He obliged and was hopefully waiting for any news from the police or the neighbors.

Innah had not talked to him and neither did he. He hated her for how she was nonchalant about the whole situation. He hasn't put a morsel since Layla's absence was announced and he could feel fever creeping in his body but he was hell bent on finding Layla. Her innocence and her yearn for help  had been trying to reach out to him all these days but for some reason he didn't heed to it and now she was lost or to be honest, gone.

His thoughts were affirmed when the Meat seller across the road confirmed he saw Layla at about sunset hailing a motorcycle. It was all Baba needed to hear to tell him his daughter had choosen the world to her home, her family.

"Innalillahi wa inna ilaihi raji'un." Baba whispered his head aching anew.

In the house, a number of women had gathered and were seated in what seemed like a consolation visit or condolence. Each was having a different thought in mind. One of the women was cursing Hadiza for doing this to her daughter.

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