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The room was eerily silent with the Doctor's eyes settled on her, pleading her to talk, to mention a word or a description of anything he could use as a lead.


Layla was flashing back to the very day he first entered the house or rather the day she came to the household because that was the beginning of her story, this whole charade. She heaved a sigh not looking up at him. He has done too much for her in a little while and she felt there was no need for any responsibility whatsoever.

She leaned her soar back to the wall, closing her eyes. She needed another nap and the pills she took was wearing out. She could feel fatigue washing over her anew. She made her decision.

" Doctor, I appreciate everything you've done for me, that which I know and that which I don't. I really appreciate it. Believe me, I haven't been treated this nice in a while. I don't want any responsibility or to be a liability to anyone. I can take it from here. Jazakumu Allah bi khair. I'll be fine."

She had tried so much not to let her voice break, not to make him feel she needed someone to stand up for her. Someone to literally move the earth to see that she gets justice, but it did waver. It did sound like an inner part of her wanted him to fight for her.

Dragging him into her filthy life would be selfishness. He was obviously doing fine with a number of patients and maybe a family to go home to. He might basically have enough to devour on his plate right now.

Doctor Munir looked at her unbelievably. He was trying to protect her and get justice served. She looked vulnerable and weak. She doesn't look like someone who could shout back at someone not to talk of hurt a soul. Timid, hurt and lost was what he read from this naive girl. He felt something was restraining her to talk. What could that possibly be or who?

" Layla, do you understand how serious this is? It's not something we can just overlook. If you know who did it just mention the name or give me the address. I'll make sure nothing comes back to you. By the way who's the guy that brought you?"

Layla made an effort to rolled her eyes. She wanted to tell him that was the person he was looking for. That's the devil. But again, she was mum. Was it his warning? Was she still scared of him? But she knew why. She knew that she wanted Zayyad to pay base on her own terms. She didn't have a plan on how to devise it but her innate being knows that he would pay. She could feel a surge of vengeance in her and she couldn't wait to one day see him begging her for mercy.

" He's no one." she answered curtly before sighing softly. " Excuse me please." she made a move as though she wanted to use the toilet but she was looking for a way to make him leave. He nodded and left.

About 8pm, Layla was feeling a lot better and has finished praying her Isha when she heard a knock on the door. She walked to the door and came up close with the driver and Malam Tani.

She was genuinely happy seeing them. These were people she was close to calling family in Alhaji Tofa's household. The gate man especially reminded her so much of her Baba. He was calm and always smiling and check on her everyday. Some times she goes to his bench and he tell her many stories about life and culture which she enjoys tremendously.

She widened her smile and stepped aside, welcoming them in. There were elated seeing she was doing fine. She greeted them and they answered.

" Yar Fulani, I didn't know you fell on the floor and got wounded. When did it happen? Was it in the kitchen? "

Layla was momentarily shocked at the old man's statement but masked it off with a small smile. It wasn't actually a smile she just widened her thin lips.

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