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He stirred from his slumber feeling fulfilled and happy and if anything, pride. He hit on first but what were he expecting? She was a naive girl that knows nothing and she proved him just right. He smiled and took up his trouser to check time when something caught his attention. She wasn't MOVING!!!

He hurriedly move toward her and shook her but nothing. A feeling of fear wash over his whole being. He felt her pulse, something he learned from suspense movies but nothing came. Then he saw the pool of blood that stained the bed sheet.

"Holy shit!!! "

He put his hands on his head raking up and down. He got to do something. He checked his time and it was pass 2 in the morning. What if she.... No!! Don't freaking go there. He felt dread.

He dialled Yaseer and found himself praying that he pick and he eventually did. His sleepy voice came in when the line was about to cut.

" Man, can you listen to me?" He was pacing up and down in his boxers.

" What's up Zayyad? This is 2 in the freaking morning!!! "

" I know. Now you got to help me up with something. You get a doc that has a private hospital? Please say yes... I need one ASAP." he closed his eyes silently praying to hear a yes.

" I think I have one. He's an old friend. Let me check on him if he's in. I'll get back to you."

He paced from one end to the other, hitting his hands lightly. She got to be alive. She ought to. There was no way to clean up this mess.

He was baffled that he actually felt fear. When last did he fear anything? That should be when his father caught him hugging and kissing his girlfriend, Basma.

He was taken by the sheer pleasure of the dalliance that he didn't realize when he knocked on the car door. He momentarily froze. The look he gave him spoke one thing ' disappointment' then his father had left and never talked about it. He had thought that could change Zayyad but he thought wrong.

Women are one thing he's addicted to and variety is the spices of life. Tall, slim, chubby, short or moderate. He loved them all and he mostly doesn't do the chasing until Layla. He felt his ego bruised and she became a challenge. He'd have let her go but damn, when she talked back at him she ignited something in him and he had to quench it on her.

He marvelled at how his body reacted to her as though that was what he had been waiting for. But when last did she breath? It scares the crap out of him. He had no explanation whatsoever, being in a maid's room. It sounds disgusting even to him.

Panic and fear are what Zayyad felt but even for a minute he didn't feel remorse. He felt she actually caused it on herself. How could she be this beautiful and innocent? What gave her the right to? It simply wasn't his fault if anything, it's hers. He's a full blooded man for God sake!!!

Seeing he had already slept on her bed, what remains is taking shower in her bathroom and so he did. The bathroom was squeaky clean and held something about it that sounds too feminine. The shower was fast unlike those he had when he really want to take shower. Forty minutes tops.

He came out just in time his phone was blinking. He walked hastily to the side drawer and pick it while drying his wet body with her wrapper.

" Zayyad I've called the Doc. He's on duty today so, he'll be expecting you. I'll send his number and his address right away. I hope it's nothing serious though." Yaseer sound concerned. He knew how reckless they're being brought up as spoilt brats.

Zayyad tried to conceal the fear in his voice and sound casual. "No, it's just small complications. It would be fine Bro. I'll get back to you."

He didn't know how he sounded when he lied but hoped that it was convincing but even to himself it doesn't sound convincing enough.

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