Twenty -Two

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A kerosene lit lamp was placed at the center of the mat which served as the jury panel. The evening sky was a bit darker and a number of stars were sparsely shining high above.

Seated on the mat as the head was Baba- the main jury next to him was Innah who had tugged her scarf close to her forehead in a classical ture kaga tsiya. She was ready for all of them this evening.

Baba cleared his voice and talked in a slow, distressed voice. He was tired of the whole drama. His daughter pregnant with no husband is a problem enough that would serve him a long time to solve and then there was her mother making things much worse.

"Hadiza, this girl right here is our daughter. Things have happened and I'm not going to start a blame game between us. Each one of us played a role in what we're facing now. I, you and her." He pointed at Layla.
" however, above all Allah is up and watching. What I witnessed earlier today had really disappointed me and hurt me as much, that you, Hadiza was trying to give her something to abort the pregnancy. auzubillahi. This is gross!! And if both of you had connive to do that, I would never forgive you. This is Allah's place you're trying to take. You're trying to take the life of someone you haven't created when you can't even create a fly." He kept mute for a minute finally coming to a decision and grateful that Innah hadn't interfere.

" As the father to this girl and also as your husband, I command that this pregnancy be kept. This is my final decision. I won't play a part in killing a life neither would I sit while you do it. Perhaps, this is a result for being neglectful and careless with Allah's amana."

Silent crept between them with the lamp being the only source of illumination.

Innah stood up and dusted her hands then glared at the two before hissing then left.
Her heart was in turmoil. It was too much for her to take in. The pain was too much. She did all she did to make sure they feed when he was a good for nothing husband. It was all an effort to make sure they didn't lack but as usual he feels it was her fault.

The child would be kept and so be it. She wouldn't render any help or any assistance. She can as well forget to mention her as her mother for she ceased to be her daughter the time she hit the bowl. In as much as it pained her, she had tried what she could and the last thing she could think of was leaving the God forsaken house soon.

Night finally crawled. Long, silent night of sadness and loneliness. Enough had happened in a relatively short time span. She was far from happy. Innah's silence didn't bother her one bit. As much as her parents think she has a fault in what was happening, she was quiet relieved that they both were paying for the mistakes. In between the blank stare at the wooden roof and dark wall, sleep finally came.

The maroon top he wore had lined out his physique making him stand tall, handsome as ever. His face was directed at the street because more than anything, that was the last place he wanted to be. The street was more interesting a view than her. If he could walk out of this messed up arranged nonsense. He heaved a sigh and adjusted his pee-cap on his closed shaven head.

Noor was delighted by his silhouette. She was so eager to set her eyes on his face, his beautiful face. Everything was making sense to her. He would soon be hers and she would worship him for he would be her gate pass to jannah. They would live a life of love with Zayyad, her Zayyad.

She finally reached him and was welcomed by a warm scent of his perfume. Beautiful, calming and calling for warmth. She closed her eyes in appreciation of Allah's beauty of creation. Indeed He is the perfectionist because her eyes beheld one of his pure art and she couldn't help but glorify Him.

"Tabarakallahu ahsanal khaliqin." She whispered and that made Zayyad turned, feeling someone closing in on him. He made an effort to smile which amplified his chin, showcasing his gap teeth.

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