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He looked battered.

He has learnt the most important and simplest lesson of life but in an excruciating class. With an awesome teacher who goes in same pace as the student. Mother Nature is the teacher. The best teacher he would ever have. And he had learnt the lesson in the hardest way. Never would he forget this whole class in his life.

One most important thing he learnt was to be humble. Nothing, absolutely nothing would stay. Not even the life itself. Not even the parents he took for granted, the wealth he spent mindlessly. Everything comes and goes when He wills.

A tear was rolling down his face as he came out of his car. He greeted the guy that guard the cemetery. A shrinking looking man with a faded shirt which he has added on top of a sweater. He started walking in looking out for the sign put on the grave.He was sure he got the directions and hope it was right. He felt ashamed that he didn't know the grave. Who does that? He spotted it and walked toward it. He crouched down ahead of it now forcefully crying, regretting his way of life. How he had led a stinking bad life. He let himself cried for everything, for every soul he had trampled on, for every ruthless act he did, for opportunities lost, for love lost and for a lot more.

" I wish you could hear me. I know I'm a mess of a son. I was never what you wanted me to be. Forgive me. Forgive me Father. Let me have peace of mind. I will strive to be better henceforth. I don't know what got into me. You're right that I'll see the light one day, but what a pity I saw it when you're beneath the ground. " he watched as a tear dropped off his face to the ground.

He broke down again, memories flushing in his brain. Memories even he was disgusted by.

"May Allah forgive you and keep showering you with his endless blessings. May He lighten your grave. I promise to be a son you would have been proud of bi iznillah. "

He remained still for a while before he stood up and turned back to the gate. He shook hands with the guard and gave him some money before he entered his car.

He drove zooming out of the life he swore to never look back at and moving in full force to a good life. As a good son to the only person remaining for him on earth- his mother.

He found her wheeling her chair. She looked older and thin. The glow she carries was gone leaving behind a lanky figure with a plain face. How an astounding beauty degraded into what was more of bones was beyond him. The eyes were there. Those eyes that flashed with adoration at him, that looked him filled with love always. Somehow he knows he played a part in that and he hated himself more

She stretched out her hands to him as she made an attempt to reached him. He ran to her and bent down.

" Maama I went." he broke down again.

"Shhh. Alhamdulillah that I could witness this day. May Allah bless you Zayyad. This is just a stepping stone to a new life."

"Forgive me Maama. Please."

" I've forgiven you My son."she said tapping his shoulder. He rested on her laps for a while, savouring every moment he spends with the love of his life, his mother. He rose and entered his room. To the solitude he enjoys while seeking for Allah's forgiveness.

A call for adhan came and he freshened and walked to the Masjid, stopping by to greet people he knows by the way. He noticed how they gave him awkward looks but he didn't care. He was glad he found a light in his life. Just like her name she is a light to him. She had not only helped him but saved him from being thrown in wrath of Allah. A girl so calm and educated. An epitome of knowledge.

" Noor.... Noor..... You indeed are a light in my life."

He joined others in praying maghrib and spent time asking for forgiveness from Al-gafur. That's all he does since when he decided to turn to a new leaf after he was taught a lesson in life.

He zoomed in again into his past. He had been cunning, ruthless, egoistic, self centered. In another word a devil. His attitude goes a long way from his looks. He was indeed beautiful inside but that heart of his is black as coal. But this is all about to change. He has taken the greatest step and will never turn back.

He didn't know how to apologize to people he inflicted pain on. He's indeed a sadist.

But with Noor, he was living in a world he has never thought he would. It's a life far better than the messy in the past or so he thought in his hallucinations.

Okay, here we go.... What do you think?? Yayyyy or nayyyyy


1st January 2019

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