𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 8

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♡︎𝚘𝚙𝚑𝚎𝚕𝚒𝚊'𝚜 𝚙𝚘𝚟♡︎

I was studying when my phone rang and Alexander asked me to have breakfast. why do i seem so calm?!
i am not. i am freaking out.
he, Alexander, him, called me, ophelia, to have breakfast with him?!
okay calm down, he's probably just bored and have no one to hang out with.

i got ready and wore an oversized sweater with some denim shorts, i hope i'm not underdressed, put some light makeup and some perfume and sat on my bed, waiting for him to arrive.

my phone pinged with a message from Alexander saying that he's here.
please don't be awkward and ruin this.

i closed the front door and there he was, leaning on his car that i have no idea what it is, looking handsome as hell, he wore a hoodie and some jeans that made me relax about my outfit, and yes i worry about my outfits a bit too much.

He came to me and hugged me :

"good morning beautiful" he fucking hugged me, don't make a big deal about it, he probably hugs everyone.

"good morning" i circled my arms around him as well.

"you smell amazing" did i just fucking say that?! let me die, let me die...

"thank you, you smell amazing as well" he chuckled, "come on let's go"

he let me go from his hug, that i wished i can stay in for ages, and opened the car door for me, damn him for making me get butterflies. Then he got in himself and started thr engine and just like that, we were on the road.

"where are we going", i broke the silence.

"there's a doughnut shop that i really like going to, and i thought it would be nice to go together, of course if you like doughnuts, especially for breakfast, if you don't you can get anything else, they make a big breakfast menu " is he nervous? no.. no.. i'm imagining things.

"no i love doughnuts, who doesn't?"

"oh thank god" and i think i wasn't supposed to hear that since he muttered it under his breath.

We arrived shortly after to the shop, and it had some booths like a mini caffee, it was really adorable. Alexander opened my door before i could, and we headed inside to the counter so we can order. An elderly woman came and took our orders and they were ready in no time, so we took them and sat in the corner facing each other.

"this is really good" i said taking another bite.

"i'm really glad you liked it lia"

"lia?" excuse me what?

"oh, euhm- you know, a nickname..." he said scratching the back of his neck while a red coated my own cheeks.

"i love it" don't squeal like a dying cow right now. "i should come up with one for you"

"yes, do it please"

"it'll come out in the right time"

"you're done" Alex asked me

"yes, i'm full" i replied

"you sure that you didn't have breakfast at home?"

"yeah, i tend to forget eating breakfast most of the time"

"that's not good" he shook his head "i should make it my duty to make sure you remember breakfast"

"oh no it's fine"

"i didn't ask you, beautiful" beautiful? againnn?! i won't jump. i won't jump.

"but i can ask you if you want to go on a date with me tonight?" did he just-

"i'd love to" not the time to transform into a tomato.

It was noon right now, and i still had 2  hours till my date. I called Elodie earlier and she was acting like a proud mom the entire call. after that i finished my work so i won't be late in anything and i'm laying out the clothes that Elodie picked for me on the bed. it was a cute summer dress with a heart pendant and white sneakers. Alexander told me not to dress formal, but decided that it would be better not to tell me what's our date and of course i insisted but he kept his mouth shut, only laughing at my "nosy self" as he said it.

i'm existed for the date but quite scared too. i'm scared that i'll never speak about my feelings because both you and I know I've liked him since forever and especially since they say ...

if you listened close to the silence, i'm sure that would have heard, the gentle constant ringing in the space between two words, when you really pay attention you find it's not just in your head, but instead the whispers of the words, the one who were left unsaid. it's "i love you" s left unspoken, and a mother's last goodbye, that she never had the chance to say, as she watched her daughter die, it's forgiveness never given, and a "sorry" left too late, that would have saved a best friends life, if they'd know it could not wait, it's a phrase that could have helped them, and it's secrets that could heal, it's words from those too scared to say, thr truth of how they feel, but you have an advantage, for you're still alive to speak, words that could save a life, or give strength to someone weak, so may you never leave unspoken, words the whole word ought to hear, before they just become the ringing in another person's ear.

shaking my head to get rid of the thoughts, i looked at the clock and got up to start getting ready.


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