𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 22

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♡︎𝚘𝚙𝚑𝚎𝚕𝚒𝚊'𝚜 𝚙𝚘𝚟♡︎

Today i was spending the day at Xander's since his granny is still around, so we get to have a day with her, and Lucas is joining us with Elodie after an hour or so.

"and he used to chew food on both sides, so it would be equal." she laughed as i joined her.

"as much as i like seeing the 2 women i love, laugh. I would highly appreciate if it wasn't on me"

Then the doorbell rang and amar turned to Alexander.

"are you expecting anyone?"

"no, and it couldn't be Lucas since he either come with me or break into the house" he stood up "i'll go see who it is"

We heard the front door opening then footsteps coming into the house with a pair of heels?

"father, mother, what are you doing here?" i heard xander say, then I processed his words and paled. oh no. i wasn't fucking planning on meeting the knights today. i even look like the ass of a dead donkey.

"visiting you obviously" came a female's voice. i looked st amar and saw her extremely annoyed.

"you haven't stepped a foot here for 8 months. why today?"

"we simply missed our only son" they said.

"can you come here another time?"

"no. let's go sit" then their footsteps came closer and closer until i could feel their eyes on me.

"oh, you have visitors" his father spoke and i stood up respectfully

"hello mr and mrs knight" should i say more?

"bring me a cup of warm water" is someone standing behind me?... no it's just me.. i should bring her what!?

"she's not your servant mother" Alexander spat. so i don't bring her a cup of water?

"speak politely to your mom" rose his father's voice.

"She should also be polite towards our guest and so should you, son" i feel like i'm in a overdramatic tv series.

"and who should it be?"

"i'm ophelia" i smiled warmly.. my amazing charming smile will definitely melt their hearts and icy glares away...
sarcasm my loves.

"okay. So Alexander i came here to talk to you about the deal" then Xavier turned to me "can you give us some privacy?" motherfucker.

"she's not going anywhere and i'm not working or even discussing any deal today." determined Xander.

"oh well, then let's sit down." said his mother. oh boy..

i can already tell that they hate me. what a way to make a good impression. i really messed up.
even tho i sat and conversed politely with them, but they only cared about which family i came from and what they did to make money...

"my dad owns a small shop in our town, and mom is a therapist." i replied confidentiality. who wouldn't be proud of these two?

"oh.." excuse you?


"nothing.. you know you're in the house of a well rich business man, and it's just not fitting for someone like you" the trucking truck in thr trucker is that?

i am so offended by that. who thr fuck does he think he is for trying to disrespect my parent's status. like no beeesh, you can never do that. But before i could give him a piece of mind, Xander beat me to it.

"yes, and this business man wad the one who invited her annd had the honor of her presence." you tell him!

"couldn't you invite Tianna? i'm sure she would clear her schedule for you"
said his mother.

"i simply don't like her." thank God.

"well we know you do. She's the daughter of our business partner"

"i really had morning sickness for 9 months and went crazy on the baby clothes... for that?" muttered amar under her breath.

Suddenly the door bell rang, and opened then came lucas's shouting.

"HONEYY I'M HOMEEE!!!!" he entered the living room with Elodie next to him and he looked straight at the parents and said :

"definitely not talking to you too.. ew"

"still impolite as ever, why are you still friends with him?" his mother's way of talking is annoying.

"he's literally one of the few support sources i had all my life" Alexander was definitely angry.

"he could be gay for all we know"

"and what thr fuck is wrong with it?" asked Xander while Elodie looked like she'll attack them any moment.

"i don't see how him being gay affect you in any way" i looked at both of them.

"at least he is able to love, he can do it with whoever he wants" Amar spoke up. we Stan. we Stan.

"our son definitely hang out with the wrong crowd"

"i just met you, but i know the only wrong crowd in here is you." go off Elodie.

"that was a good one" Lucas really laughed right now.

"excuse me young girl, you do not talk to me like that. i can ruin you in a snap." is xaviii mad?

"please do talk to jose devora after that." she pulled that card.

"and you know him.. how?" Xavier had the audacity to laugh.

"he is my father so i guess it can do with that"

"couldn't i give birth to a mute you?" amar asked.

"mother. stop your stupid jokes."

"who the heck mentioned a freaking joke?"

"i can't waist my time on useless things like this, so i'll be going." the knights stood up but before leaving the room, Xavier turned to us

"You won't be together for long, at the end Alexander will be with someone likeable and good for him"

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