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𝙿𝚛𝚎𝚟𝚒𝚘𝚞𝚜𝚕𝚢 𝚘𝚗 𝚙𝚝 8:
"You're serious?" My eyes went wide. They nod at me. "Dang...and I thought I was the one staring at him like that." I whisper to myself. "Girl, you do ,do that." Fastforward says. "You said doo doo." I giggle. "You're so childish." A Capella chuckles.

"Look, there's the mother ship!" I point to the big ship. We land inside the big ship. "I'm gonna go check it out." Noodles whispers. He stretches his head to see if anyone is near. He puts his head back. "We're all good." He whispers as we walk out. "Am I just really small, or is this ship really big?" Guppy asks. "It's enormous." Wheels says in shock. "Yeah, how are we Gonna fine our parents?" Fastforward asks. "I was thinking about that. Ms Granada found us really easily back at Grandma's house, and I think I know how, your bracelet." Wheels takes Missy's bracelet. "I haven't been able to contact my dad." Missy says to Wheels. "But maybe the transmitter in here that connects the the two bracelets works like a tracking device. But I need a pair of pliers and a heat source." Wheels says to all of us. "My teeth are strong because my dad's a shark." Guppy bites. "Perfect." Wheels says to Guppy. I nod and walk to Wheels, but Wildcard stops me. "And I've got a heat source." Wildcard says. "Heat vision." He says, but turns into a toaster. "Now he's a toaster." Facemaker says unimpressed. I pick up Wildcard/the toaster. "Temp, don't you have fire super powers?" Wheels asks me. "Yes, but I might light you on fire. I can't fully control it." I tell Wheels. Wheels nods and grabs the toaster/Wildcard.

We run through the hall ways quietly. "Is it working?" Wheels asks Missy.

"Well, it's leading us somewhere." Miss says. "Hey, that was really good back there." Missy complements Wildcard. "What, turning into a toaster in stead of making heat vision? Bet Y/n could've done a better job." He mumbles the last part. I bush at his words. "It was heat-related. That's real progress. Besides ,Temp said if she used her powers, she could kill Wheels." Missy whispers to Wildcard. "I guess it's progress." Wildcard mumbles. "You just watch. Pretty soon, you'll be teleporting like it's nobody's business. It's all about belief." She tells Wildcard. "That's what I've been telling Wildcard for years." I mumble. "Someone's jealous." A Capella sings. "Shut up." I growl.

"Guys?" A Capella says. Just then a rumbling sound came up. "Does anybody else hear that?" A Capella asks. There was more rumbling sounds, but louder. "What is that." The twins said in sync. "It's below us." Wheels puts his hands on his...wheels. "I can feel it." He looks up at us. There was more rattling and revving sounds. Everyone jumps to the side walls. Then something came from the ground as everyone was screaming their heads off. The thing was following us. We started running away from it. It trips Wildcard and I grab his arm and throw him to the front. I use my fire powers to throw flames at it. It only screeches and become angrier. My eyes widen as I start to get ready to use my ice powers. "Wait were is Y/n?!" I hear Wildcard yell. I start to freeze the monster. "Y/n!!" All of them yell my name. Once it is officially frozen I ran back to the others. "Ummm....Temp?" Noodles says looking up. I hum in response. "Your hair is glowing white." He points at my hair. "It does that." I shrug. "Which way do we go?" Facemaker asks. Missy sees a door. "That way!" She points at it. We run towards the door. Just then another alien pops up from the ground. A Capella uses her sound waves to distract the alien. We all run through the open door.

We look ahead of us to see a purple pyramid "Look at that thing." Wildcard points at the pyramid. A door below us opens and the president walks out. "What the heck is the president doing here?" Missy asks. I shush her. "You're too loud." I whisper to her. "So they're inside this thing? All of them?" The president asks. "That's correct." The man says. "How long before the takeover begins?" The president asks. "According to the supreme commander, less than a hour." The mans says. "So soon?" the president asks. "That's what she says, and she's never wrong." The man says. "You don't have to remind me. Ever wonder why we bother with all this? When she already knows how it's gonna turn out?" The president says sternly. "All part of the process, I supposed." The man says. They walk off.

"What is that thing?" Facemaker asks. "You heard him. It's a rocket stuffed to the gills with aliens. In less than an hour, they'll send it down to Earth and start the takeover." Wildcard says sternly. "Well then we have to stop them. Let's go." Missy says as we head to leave.

Just then the door opens and I'm walks in Ms  Granada. "Do you children have any idea what you've done?" She walks towards us. "Stealing one of our trains? Turning headquarters upside down? Flying an alien shuttle into outer space." She glares at us. We stare at her with sorrow. She smiles at us. "Well done." She squeals. "Looks like we underestimated your abilities and your leadership qualities." She looks at Missy. "You took a huge risk, but it was the right risk. Headquarters was attacked just minutes after you escaped. If you hadn't broken out, you would have all been captured. And now you've managed to lead us into the heart of this alien mother ship?" She gasps. "So proud." She smiles at us. "Wait we're not in trouble?" Missy asks. "Of course not. You are heroes." She smiles at us. Everyone starts cheering except me and 0jo. I start to think the whole situation over.

"0jo?" I ask her. She looks up at me. " am I the only one who thinks this is a little suspicious?" I whisper to her. She shows me her drawings of Ms Granada with alien tentacles behind her. "She's an alien spy." I mumble and 0jo nods.

The president walks in. "I need some answers." I glare at them. Granada looks at me confused. "How exactly did you come up here? How do you know everything we've done. This mission isn't over Granada. Tell me!" I yell at her. "Tell me, how did you know?! I trusted you! My parents trusted you!" I yell at her as my hair turns into fire. Everyone's eyes went wide. "Save your breath, Granada." The president looks at me. "They know." His glares feels like it's cutting through my soul.

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