Chapter 11

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Everyone turned to Jane when she said that, Alec looked disappointed at what his sister said. He knew that she was upset and angry that he had kept something this big from her but he had done it for his mate and himself. He feared that she would find him crazy and see if he was hallucinating and he knew that she would go to Aro and tell him which was something that he didn't want. "Jane please don't do this. Don't ruin this, I didn't tell you because I feared that you would find me crazy and I would lose you" Alec begged, he couldn't lose his mate because of his sister but he also didn't want to lose his sister. "Jane you don't know what it's like to find your mate. It's unlike any other feeling in the world. You would do anything for them and Alec did just that. He wasn't obliged to tell anyone and he didn't lie to anybody. Don't make him do this, choose because he won't forgive you and you will lose your brother" Aro told her seriously. He didn't want to see how this scene would pan out and not for the reason that most would think. Was he a bit power hungry? Yes but, he wasn't that way with the twins; he saw the twins as family-his own children! So, to see Jane put Alec in the position to choose between his mate or his sister, especially when he knew who would lose, was heart-breaking.

"No, I don't and I'm not angry that my brother found his mate, I'm angry that he lied about it. That he didn't tell anyone" Jane stated before storming out of the throne room and out of the door. Alec let go of Aurora and went to follow Jane before he felt a small hand on his bicep. He recognised the touch as his mate and turned to his mate, a question in his eyes, Aurora shook her head before following Jane herself.

Navigating herself around the castle that she had come to love, she followed Jane's scent to find her sitting by a large pond in the gardens. The sun reflected off of Jane's face making it dance across her face like a thousand diamonds reflected off of it. Aurora's own skin glowed, her shape-shifter gene repressing the natural urge for her skin to shine like Jane's did. Taking a deep breath to calm herself, Aurora went over and sat next to Jane on the stone bench. "I'm sorry, that I asked your brother to keep something this important from you" Aurora spoke, she wanted to get along with Jane and didn't want Alecto lose his sister-she knew that it would take a piece of the Alec she grew to know and love away. A piece that Aurora couldn't replace nor fix, twins shared a special bond that nobody understood but them. Jane didn't look away from the setting in front of her and hid her face away from Aurora. "Jane please look at me, I want us to get along. I don't want Alec to lose you, it would break a piece of the person that I know and love. Apiece I could never get back nor replace" she tried again. This time Jane turned her head towards Aurora and she could see the tears of venom that gathered in Jane's eyes. Tears that would never fall. "You mean that, you're not gonna take Alec away from me?" she asked, both girls knew that if Jane was human then the tears would be flowing and her voice would have cracked with the emotion that was behind it. Aurora found that it hurt her slightly to think that Jane would think that of her, but she didn't hold it against the girl since Jane knew next to nothing about her. Aurora shook her head and placed her arm around Jane's shoulders pulling her into her body slightly as a sign of comfort. "No, I know what it's like to lose family-even if I didn't know them- and I don't want Alec to feel that. I can only imagine it would be worse"
"thank you, he's one of the only things that makes my existence worth living" Jane responded "now can I get to know my new, soon to be sister in law?" Aurora blushed at Jane's question and buried her head in her hands while giggling slightly. Aurora realised that Jane wasn't as bad as what everyone thought, as she sat talking with the girl. She came to understand that Jane was misunderstood and that the hard demeanour that she carried around like a mask was really that-a mask, a way of hiding herself away from the world to keep herself from being hurt again. Aurora was happy that Jane felt safe enough that she could take that mask off around her and simply be herself.

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