Chapter 7

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Alec's POV:

It has been around three months since Aura and I first kissed in my little hideaway. We have kissed another few times since then but, nothing major. I have noticed however that she seems to be a bit more sad recently like she knows that something is going to happen and that we are not going to be happy about it. So that's why today I am going to aske her about it. 

She was in the library when I found her. Aura looked as beautiful as ever and oblivious to the world around her indulged in the book that was lying open on the table. "Aura" I called to get her attention and it worked. Her face broke out into a smile that I would never get tired of seeing. "Alec" she breathed. 

"Aura what's wrong? You seem sad and almost distant these last few weeks" I questioned. I didn't want to intrude or push her but, I wanted to break whatever it was that was making her sad. I hated seeing the one thing that mattered in my whole existence sad.

"I don't want to upset you Alec" she trailed off. I was confused, no confused was an understatement. What would make me sad. Apart from Aura going of course and leavin me behind... that was it! It was her leaving

"why would you leave?" I asked. If I had a heart it would be breaking right now. The possibility or mere thought of her leaving pained me beyond belief and I knew she felt it too when her face morphed into one of pain. 

"Alec, I don't want to-" she began but I cut her off

"then don't"

"but Alec I have no choice, in three months. Carlisle he'll... he'll find out what's wrong with me. He'll find the cure and then I'll have to leave and go back to being with my..." she couldn't seem to say the last word. Almost as if she couldn't bring herself to call them that.

"your family?" I finished for her.

"except I don't consider them family Alec" she walked towards me and took one of my cold hands into her own. She put her other hand on my cheek and I unconsciously leaned into her touch, craving more of it "I consider you and everyone here family. Your all that  I know and need Alec. People here, they don't see me nor do they hear me but I know them. I know them probably better then I know myself. And Alec, I don't know them. I know you though. I...Alec... I love you" she whispered the last three words. Those three words that sealed her fate, she wasn't going anywhere. I won't let her.

"I love you too Aura. And you aren't going anywhere you don't want too. I won't let you" I rested my forehead against hers. Before I tilted her lips to meet mine and sealed them in a sweet kiss that said so much more then words ever could. When we broke apart I looked into the eyes that I had fell in love with and realised that this girl, this incredible girl was all mine for all eternity and that there was hope. Hope that she was not going to be like this for eternity. Hope that I could see her body and face in colour. Hope that I was going to know what it was like for mates in this world that I was thrown into. 

I pushed a curl behind her ear, "Aura you know that you can tell me anything. No matter what it is. I will always love you no matter what Aura" I told her sincerely, meaning every word that I said

"and you can with me too Alec. Always" she began

"and forever"

"for eternity" we whispered 


I am sorry this isn't really important. Just an apology for the chapter being so short and to say:

I cried when writing the last bit of dialogue because it was just so sweet and cringey and as much as I wanted to delete it I just couldn't bring myself too!

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