Chapter 5

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Aurora POV:

"Alec where are we? I haven't seen this place before" I asked. I hated surprises! I liked knowing things and the fact that I had explored the entire castle and not come across this area scared me. I had even been down to the dungeons.

"Wow! I believe that I won" he replied, completely ignoring my question. He had replied with that stupid little smirk of his, it gets me every time. Cue sigh... 

"Won what?" I questioned in confusion, what had he won? I was so confused...

"You said that you probably had seen this place and I said that you most certainly haven't. I won." he exclaimed, it took me a moment to catch onto what he was saying before I rolled my eyes. He suddenly stopped, making me walk through him. He shivered from the sensation causing me to chuckle in amusement. His face had scrunched up, he looked kind of cute actually. 

"A little warning next time" he spoke, I gave him a look

"I could say the same for you" I chuckled, before I looked around. We were on a hidden balcony that looked over all of Volterra, you could see everything. The people milling around, the fountain that stood in front of the castle, the shops, the gardens that sat behind the castle-everything. It was breath-taking. 

I felt arms snake around my waist and the bond between Alec and I growing stronger. For a moment, I wondered if he could be my mate. It would make sense as to why only he could see me. Why only he could feel me. Why only he could hear me. Why only he could make a smile light up my face on the darkest of days. Why only he made me feel butterflies. Why wherever he touched it felt like I had been shocked, but like a good shock. Why I could never get enough of him touching me, talking to me, just looking at me like I was the only girl in the room that mattered.

... It would also explain why Marcus has been looking between where I stood and Alec like he could see something nobody else could. "Hey Alec" I called out to get his attention

"Aura" he responded, a silent question asking what I wanted was being asked by the way his eyes looked at me. A beautiful crimson that I could get lost in forever

"Does Marcus have a gift?" he looked at me, curiosity shining in his eyes

"Yes he does, he can see bonds between people, I think that is why he has been looking at me so weirdly recently, I have a bond with you-except he can't see you, so to him it looks like I have been bonded with nothing" I looked at him, he started stuttering quickly "except your not nothing...y-your beautiful and smart and... and loving an... and kind" he was falling over his words now and I couldn't help it I broke into a fit of giggles at the sight of THE Alec Volturi, one of the most feared witch twins a flustered and stuttering mess. My giggles knocked Alec out of his stuttering and if he was human he would have flushed as red as a tomato. 

"I'm not mad at you Alec, I am technically nothing to everyone. Merely a ghost thing wandering the halls of the Volturi Castle" I stated after my giggles had calmed down

"You are not nothing. Not to me anyway" Alec spoke, his tone was serious showing that this debate was not up for discussion. 

"I am Alec, I am nothing to them" I turned away from the beautiful sight of Volterra "what if I'm stuck like this, merely a ghost forever? Forever is a long time Alec and I don't think I would be able to survive"

"You won't be. Not if I can help it" he responded "besides Aura, you may not realise it but you have changed me, for the better. You made me smile a real smile for the first time in probably a thousand years. Not even Jane has been able to do that" he smiled then. AN actual real smile, not the fake ones that he does for Jane. He pulled me closer to him so that my body was flush with his and tilted my head up so that I could look into the crimson eyes that were filled with so many emotions. His gaze flickered between my eyes and my lips "and Aura" he continued "you have made me love for the first time in my existence". With that being said he pressed his lips against mine. His lips moulded against mine, like they were made for each other. He wasn't rough, he was gentle and sweet. I could feel the hesitation he was feeling when I didn't respond. He pulled back and looked at me. Vulnerability was clear on his face and a bit of disappointment too. My face was merely one of shock and surprise. Except, it felt so right. So I did what any normal person would do in this situation, I grabbed the back of his neck and pulled him down to my height. I smashed my lips against his and kissed back. This time his was hunger filled and nothing like before. It was lustful and yet loving at the same time. He tasted like blood, showing that he had just fed before he came in. I didn't care though because he tasted amazing. 

When we finally pulled apart I looked up at him through my eyelashes "I love you too Alec Volturi" I place my forehead against his "forever" we stated together.

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