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"Push Renesmee! Push!" Carlisle encouraged, another scream of pain echoing around the house.

"It's okay baby, you're almost there. Then we'll have our kid and we can grow up together- as a family" Jacob Black, Renesmee's boyfriend, encouraged in an attempt to be there for his imprint.

Jacob let out a small wince as Renesmee's grip on his hand tightened, another wave of pain from her contraction running through her body. She pushed and screamed, a sound of pure agony spreading throughout the house causing the vampires downstairs to wince.

Carlisle looked up from checking Renesmee's dilations and exclaiming in excitement "I see a head! Only a few more to go now Ness!"

Jacob wiped a sweaty Renesmee's head with a damp cloth, whispering soothing words into her ear. Pushing her brown hair away from her eyes, Jacob nodded at her in encouragement and Renesmee took a deep breath.

Another scream escaped her mouth despite her best attempts. And another. And another. Until Renesmee's throat physically hurt from the amount that she had been screaming in pain. Finally, they could hear a faint heartbeat echo around the room.

Renesmee looked up to see Carlisle holding a small bundle in his arms, checking her heartbeat and breath sounds. He shone a small light in the baby's eyes to see if they would respond but- nothing.

"Why isn't he crying?" Renesmee finally asked, breaking the silence. She shared a small look with Jacob before turning back to the bundle in Carlisle's arms. "He should be crying right?" Her voice cracked, the worry and panic she felt seeping through despite her best efforts, "Grandpa please! Why isn't he crying?!"

"Shh... it's okay Nessie. Maybe his just too happy to cry?" Jacob suggested, hoping against hope that his silly idea could be the reason why. He knew he was probably wrong though and he squeezed Renesmee's hand in both an attempt to soothe her a little and himself.

"Don't lie to me Jacob, you know that something is wrong" Renesmee called him out.

"Okay, so I have some good news" Carlisle finally spoke gaining the couple's attention and preventing an argument that was about to break out.

"You have given birth to a healthy baby girl. The bad news is that it appears that the baby is asleep and it doesn't seem that she is going to wake up soon" Carlisle held up a hand, halting the onslaught of questions that he was about to be faced with, "don't ask me why as I don't know. But I do intend to find out. Now that the problem seems to have been addressed what would you like to name your newborn daughter?"

Carlisle lowered his hand and held out the baby to Renesmee. She gracefully took it and looked down with a small smile, her finger ran along the baby's cheekbone as if the action alone could wake her up. Renesmee shared a look with Jacob who was looking at the baby in fascination and placed her free hand on his cheek.

An image of a Disney princess waltzing around a ballroom filled his mind, her prince holding onto her tightly. The princess' dress changed colour every second, faint sounds of "make it blue!", "make it pink!" echoing around the scene.

"Perfect, certainly seems to fit her don't you think?" Jacob smiled to his imprint.

"It's prefect" Renesmee sighed, coddling her daughter's body closer to her own and gently rocking the child back and forth in her arms. "Aurora Rachel Black" she smiled.

And just like that a Sleeping Beauty's story began.

My Sleeping Beauty-A.VolturiWhere stories live. Discover now