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Third POV:

"Alright, alright. It's okay, I am only getting married to the love of my life in ten minutes. Nothing major" Aurora spoke to her reflection while nervously pacing, trying to control her heart rate and breathing.
"Deep breaths Rory" Jane, her maid of honor, told the bride while grabbing her wrists to stop her pacing. Aurora turned to her best friend and looked her in the eye, following the breathing patterns that Jane was doing to get Aurora to calm down.
"You try doing that on your wedding day!" Aurora lightly joked with her best friend. Jane grinned and examined her engagement ring that her mate had given her not even two weeks before Aurora's wedding day. Aurora had joked that they could have a joint wedding before they had seriously checked whether they could. They couldn't. The boys (mostly Alec) had shared the twins had shared almost everything before now and (Alec) had flat out refused to share their big days. To say that the girls were upset would be an understatement before they realized that it meant that they could have two hen dos. They were happy then because they could get drunk on the blood and hang out before the final of the two were tied down.

The girls both looked at the door when they heard a light knock. "Come in" Aurora acknowledged and smiled when she saw her three bridesmaids walk in looking as beautiful as ever in their red bridesmaids' dresses. "Wow," Heidi gasped, her eyes widening at the appearance of the bride and maid of honor in front of her. It was rare that anyone got to see Jane with her hair down and in anything but black. Aurora smiled and looked down, a blush rushing to her cheeks.
"Do I look okay?" Jane questioned slightly flustered as Heidi, Chelsea, and Renata continued to stare at her.
"Oh yeah, yeah. You look more than fine actually" Chelsea rushed out quickly, scared that Jane would implement her gift if her answer was less than satisfactory. Renata looked at her fellow guards and smiled, a small smile, at the two before turning to the two girls standing in front of her and waving shyly.

Renata was very quiet and didn't have many friends since she was mostly withAro all day due to her gift. Renata was a physical shield, she was like Bella except her shield blocked the physical fight for example hand to hand combat and she could therefore deflect any attacks made at Aro and herself or any of the other kings and guards. Her shield was not as powerful as Bella's though. Renata was shy at best and due to being glued to Aro and the king's side she didn't get to make many friends which was why Aurora had made it her goal to befriend the shy vampire as soon as she could. Well, as soon as Alec let her out of his sight or the sight of the Elite guard (this was about four months after Alec had saved Aurora from her fate). It took a while for Renata to open up to the tribrid but Aurora was very patient. Being stuck as a ghost-thing for nearly a year with only one person who could see and talk to you does that to a girl. Eventually, Renata did and Aurora was very supportive of the girl. Soon after, Renata andAurora became very close which shocked a lot of the castle-including the Kings. Aurora encouraged Renata to make more friends than just her and Renata did with two other vampires, namely Heidi and Chelsea. It was an odd friendship since Heidi was quite flirty and outgoing and Chelsea was fairly hyper and loud with lots of energy, both the complete opposite of Renata's quiet and shy personality but the three made it work.

"Are you ready?" Renata quietly asked her best friend. Even though she hung out with Heidi and Chelsea a lot more, the girl always found time for Aurora as Aurora did to her.
ChucklingAurora replied "probably not but, I am a lot less nervous than I was a few minutes ago"
"I'd give you advice but I haven't had a man stick long enough for marriage..." Heidi laughed. Jane and Renata rolled their eyes in sync.

Jane would never admit it out loud, but she had a soft spot for Renata. She reminded her of herself in a way when she was human. Jane didn't have many fond memories of herself as a human due to all the hate that she and her brother received from the village due to their gifts showing themselves and power when they were human. One thing that she did remember was how she was: shy and closed off. Jane was always a quiet child and she became even quieter when her powers started to show because she was scared that she would say the wrong thing. Her brother was the only one who could coax her out of her shell when they were alone and then they would spend hours in the forest being children, the opportunity that they missed growing up in the village. That was what made Jane sad about when they became vampires and she looked back on her human life with hatred and self-loathing. The opportunities she and Alec had missed as children, to have a childhood.

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