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Sagacity's POV

I knocked on Damien's room door but didn't receive an answer, so I knocked on the door again. I wondered if he had maybe dipped last night because he knew he came up with an unprovable excuse. He was probably seeing other women, just like how he had been seeing Ashley. Although we weren't together anymore, I still didn't like the thought of him being with someone else- especially because he was the reason we weren't together!

I banged on the door and heard a bit of shuffling. Annoyed, I opened the door only to find him still fast asleep. "Damien!" I called, and he groaned.

Sleepily, he asked, "Hm?"

"Aren't you supposed to take your daughter and me to see someone?" I asked, feeling impatient.

"What time is it?" Damien groaned. "I'm still tired."

"It's 10:00," I answered. "I have other shit to get done later, so I need to get this out the way from early."

He sighed while sitting up. He then sat at the edge of his bed and rubbed his eyes before sleepily looking t me. "You," he got out before yawning. "You look really beautiful."

"Save the compliments for later, if what you say is true," I said while crossing my arms.

He nodded, "Aight, bet then." He then got up and began stripping out of his clothes, so I left his room and went upstairs to get Aurora dressed. She had recently finished breakfast and was waiting on me to get her dressed because I told her that she'd be wearing something special today.

Since this was going to be the first time that Aurora and I would meet Damien's mother, if he were telling the truth, I wanted to make sure that we would both leave a great impression. I was actually very nervous to meet her. I wondered if she'd like me and approve of Damien and I potentially marrying each other.

Three hours later

"Are we there yet?" Aurora complained. "We've been driving for hours!"

Damien chuckled, "We're only five minutes away, Pumpkin. You sure got your mother's impatience though." I gave him a bad eye, and he chuckled again. "I kinda like when you're angry, Cit. It's a turn-" he looked in his mirror and back at Aurora before mumbling, "You get the gist."

We came across a cabin that had a black car parked in front of it. Damien parked behind the car and then took out a phone out of his glove compartment. He has two phones?

He dialed a number after unlocking the phone, and after about a second or two, the door to the cabin opened, and a lady that looked just like the lady Damien and I buried came walking out. Damien opened his door and got out, but I nervously remained seated.

"Why are you here?" his mom frowned.

Damien answered, "Change of plans." He then walked over to my side of the car and opened the door. By the time I got out of the car, there was a gun aiming at me. "Put it down, Mom."

"What the fuck is going on, Damien?!' she worriedly asked while keeping the gun aimed at me.

Damien looked at me and sighed, "Let me talk to her in private for a second. Stay with Aurora."

I nodded in response and entered the car. Damien then walked away with his mom, who seemed a bit pissed that I was there. Had she known about me all along? Did she have her mind made up about me already?

"Who was that, Mommy?" Aurora asked with fright clear in her voice.

"Daddy's mother; your other grandmother," I answered. "She just wasn't expecting me, that's why she pulled her gun out, okay?"

"Okay," Aurora answered. After about five minutes, Damien returned with his mother by his side. He then opened my car door after helping Aurora out the car.

"Sagacity, Aurora, meet Diane, my mother," Damien introduced. "Mom, this is my daughter Aurora and babymother Sagacity."

Diane bent down in front of Aurora and smiled, "Hello there."

Aurora looked back at me for permission to speak with Diane, and I gave a nod and forced a smile. I was still nervous about how she felt about me.

"Hi," Aurora smiled. "Mommy said you're my other grandmother."

Diane smiled, "That's right, and I am so happy to finally meet you! Your dad speaks about you all the time!" Aurora looked up at Damien and smiled widely before looking back at Diane. "What he didn't say is how pretty you'd be! And look at that dress! You look gorgeous!"

Aurora shyly smiled, "Thank you!" before doing a little twirl to show off her dress.

Diane smiled and stood before walking over to me. "Hello," she said, but her voice seemed a bit less welcoming towards me than it was towards Aurora. Yet again, everyone talked a bit dramatically with Aurora because of her age.

"Hello," I smiled. "It's nice to meet you, ma'am."

Diane shook her head, "The pleasure is mine. Please, call me Diane." I looked at Damien before looking at her and shyly nodding. "Would you like to come in?" she asked while cocking her head towards the cabin.

"Sure," I smiled while nodding.

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