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From the second I pulled up to the big ass mansion that Nicholas Carter called his home, I got a bad vibe about how tonight would end. Seeing his home made me think of all the bad he did to obtain his wealth, status, and success-including killing my father- and it pissed me the fuck off. His family was so oblivious to the monster he was, and I was determined to make him pay for what he had done. However, tonight wasn't the night. I just needed to keep my composure before screwing the mission over.

I hopped out the car and then walked to the opposite side to open Sagacity's door. Once she was out, I opened Aurora's door and got her out of the car. I lifted her into my left arm before connecting my right hand with Sagacity's left hand. We then all walked to the front door, and Sagacity opened the door. We knew everyone was already here because their cars were parked out front. There were a few cars that I didn't recognize but figured belonged to my friends' parents.

Sagacity's mom smiled widely as we entered the house, and I placed Aurora down to walk, but she ran into her grandmother's arms with joy clear in her giggles. Sage hugged Sagacity and smooched her cheek before giving me a friendly hug. "How have you been?" she asked me with genuine interest.

"Surviving, as usual," I answered

She gave a warm smile while saying, "I'm glad you're here."

I returned the smile while saying, "Thank you, Mrs.Carter."

She gave a gentle nod before leading the way to the dining room, where everyone was seated at a long ass table and chatting away. Three chairs were left empty for us, and I just knew Sage was the one who set the table up. If it were Nicholas, there'd only be two chairs for sure. Sagacity and I exchanged friendly welcomes as Aurora went around the table collecting hugs and kisses before joining City and me again. We filled in the empty chairs, and a few maids came out with platters of food. 

Of course he had maids. The asshole never did much for himself.

"Damien, how has it been?" Kendall, Natalie's mom, asked.

"I'm managing," I answered.

"What?" Nicholas asked, causing me to slightly frown.

"I don't know what you mean," I replied. The fuck was that response about?

He asked, "What are you managing?"

"My life..." I replied. Was he really about to go where I thought he was about to go?

"Oh...just thought you'd have a job by now," he nodded before taking a sip of his wine. He just went where I thought he'd go. Sage shot Nicholas a deadly glare, and he sighed before sipping his wine again. "Are you planning on working soon?"

"It's literally been a month since he got back, Dad," Sagacity said in my defense.

I informed, "I actually start after the Holidays."

Sagacity frowned, "You didn't tell me you got a job..."

"Was going to on our vacation but your dad seemed very eager to know," I replied.

Probably sensing my irritation, Nico attempted to change the conversation by asking, "Where are you three going for vacation?"

"Paris and Italy," Aurora smiled.

Nico smiled back, "That's so cool! Are you excited?" Aurora eagerly nodded, earning a few chuckles and coos.

"Anyone else doing anything for the holidays?" Sagacity asked.

"I'll be picking out bridesmaids dresses," Aria blushed, and my eyebrows raised as everyone else surprisingly gasped.

Zach smiled, "I proposed last night."

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