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I checked the time on my wrist as I opened the door, but by the time that I looked up from my watch, I was getting a bucket of cold water thrown in my face. I was so shocked that I couldn't even get upset. I was only baffled as to why water was being thrown on me.

"You're working for Carson?! Are you fucking kidding me?! Of all the companies you could work for, you chose my father's rival's? What the fuck is wrong with you, huh?!" she yelled at me. I stared at her with a blank expression as I looked down at my drenched suit. "You just ruined any possible chance you had at reconciling with my father, and you also ruined my relationship with him too. He thought I knew about this and called me a traitor! Why would you do this, Damien?"

"I needed a job and they were willing to pay me a high salary," I replied, although that wasn't the reason why I had chosen to work for Carson, but rather a side benefit.

She frowned, "You betrayed my father for fucking money?!" She had no idea what was in store. Besides, I wouldn't be betraying, but rather giving him what he deserved.

"Would your father like to hire me instead? I went for the next best thing," I shrugged. She looked at me in disbelief and shook her head.

"You're unbelievable!" she said while taking her ring off. She then handed it to me and said, "For Aurora's sake, you can stay in the guest room, but we're done."

I chuckled to myself because she was really breaking up with me over getting a job. "Is this another break or do you actually mean it this time?" I teased, not taking the situation seriously. How did she even find out where I worked? How did her father?

"I mean it," she replied in a serious tone. "I'll go through with the abortion tomorrow."

"Alright, you dragging it, for real. I just got a job. Isn't that what you and ya pops wanted?" I asked as I put my briefcase down and began unbuttoning my soaked shirt.

"Not at Carson, and I didn't care if you were working or not. I was never with you for money or status," she frowned. "I don't wanna have any issues over custody or anything. We both deserve to be equally in Aurora's life. That's the only reason why I'm allowing you to stay. You and I are done." With that said, she left the house, slamming the door behind her too. I didn't even know where she was going.

I took my shirt and suit off and began walking to my room. If she thought I'd go chasing after her, she was definitely sniffing something. Breaking up with me the first time was already a slap to the face for me, but now she was just being disrespectful. Nobody breaks up with Damien! Who did she think she was?

I'd make her regret this decision, starting off by pawning the ring. If she wanted to be petty, I'd be petty too. She won't get this ring back just like how I won't get the child she's planning to abort back.

I placed my briefcase on the desk in my room and continued to strip out of my clothes. Once I was completely naked, I left my room to do shower, but timely, Katy came walking down the stairs. I thought she had left already!

"Oh, Damien, hi!" she blushed, her eyes looking away, although it seemed that she enjoyed the sight.

"My fault, Katy. I didn't know you were still here," I said as I covered my dick.

She explained, "I had put Aurora to sleep and was cleaning her room."

"Oh," I replied. "Did she hear any of what just went on between Sagacity and me?"

"No, she was already asleep by then," she answered.

I nodded, "Good." Remembering that I didn't see any car other than Sagacity's, I asked, "How do you get home?"

"Uber," she answered.

I then asked, "Do you live far?"

"Just two hours away," she answered. I knew the money she spent taking Uber was probably a lot for her.

"How much does that usually cost?" I frowned.

"Like 150," she answered.

"And how much are you being paid per day?" I asked.

"300," she answered. "Traveling is no problem for me. I'm fine paying the fair. The remaining money I have is enough to cover my main expenses anyways."

"You sure?" I asked for certainty, and she nodded. "Alright. Is your ride here yet?"

She shook her head before informing, "He's five minutes away, but I'm planning on walking to the front gate instead of having him come through them."

"Alright, cool," I nodded. As I motioned to walk off, the door opened, and Sagacity froze when she saw me naked in front of Katy.

"Oh really?!" Sagacity asked, and I rolled my eyes and walked off as Katy tried explaining to her that this wasn't what it looked like.

"See you tomorrow, Katy," I said before entering the bathroom, ignoring all the insults Sagacity was busy throwing at me as Katy tried to calm her down. Poor Katy.

Ghost CityOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora