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"I'll um...I'll get to packing," I said as I placed my key on the mini table by the door. Sagacity, Aurora, and I had just gotten home. My mother had went back to her cabin, and everyone else had went about their way as well.

Now that the whole murder investigation was over, I had to face the fact that so was my future with Sagacity. I was sure she wanted nothing to do with me, but I knew she wouldn't deprive me of my right to see our children. I figured we'd work out parenting along the way.

"No," she said. She then looked down at Aurora and said, "Daddy and I need to talk in private, Rory. You can watch TV in the living room until."

"Okay," Aurora nodded before skipping off to the living room.

I then looked at Sagacity, awaiting an explanation. Was she letting me stay for our children's sake? Were we still engaged?

"Aurora and our unborn deserve to have us both in their life," City said. "They should have both parents on demand, just like I should have my husband on demand."

"So...you're not calling off the engagement?" I asked, and she shook her head.

"This year and last year have been by far the worst, but what are relationships without ups and downs?" she asked. "I know you love me and that it isn't your intention to hurt me. I do end up getting hurt, though. I hope that now that all of this drama is over, that hurting will stop. I don't want you to ever lie to me again, Damien. No more secrets."

"Okay," I agreed. "No more lies or secrets."

"You have a lot of making up to do, by the way," she teased.

"I'm already brainstorming," I smiled.

"Good. You can start by making dinner tonight and cleaning the house this weekend," she smiled, and I chuckled.

"Bet," I confirmed before she pecked my lips.

8 months later
"Congratulations on your beautiful baby boy," Doctor O'Hara smiled as she handed him over to City and me. I looked down at him and smiled widely before looking over at Aurora.

"Wanna say hi to your baby brother?" I asked Aurora, and she nervously nodded. She then hopped out her grandmother's arms and climbed on the bed beside her mother.

"Hi, Amore, I'm your big sister," Aurora smiled, and for a moment, her little brother cooed a bit.

A/N: Amore is pronounced as Ah-more-aye.

Sage smiled, "Nico's little boy will be having a lot more play dates."

"Yes, he will," I smiled.

3 months later, Sagacity's POV
"I'd like to make the first toast," Nico said as he stood. "I knew for a while that my best friend had a crush on my sister. I could tell from the way he interacted with her versus the way he interacted with others. I'd always think to myself: when is he going to speak up about it? Today, we witnessed that he's done more than speak up about it." A few chuckles went around the room along with applauds from others. "I've watched a crush blossom into love. I've watched this couple go through thick and thin, and I'm just glad that love kept them together through all of it. I'm blessed with a beautiful niece and handsome nephew, and I finally get to officially call my best friend brother. Welcome to the family, bro. To Sagacity and Damien."

Everyone raised their glasses and said cheers, and I looked at Damien and smiled widely.

Damien took my hand in his and smooched it before widely smiling as well.

My dad stood as Nico took a seat, and the room went quiet. "I've always been a bit overprotective-"

"A bit?!" everyone asked before a burst of laughter went across the room.

"Ah, shut up," my dad chuckled. "Family has always been important to me, and I become really protective when I feel like someone poses a threat to the people I love. When I first met Damien, I had no problem letting him into the family. He reminded me a lot of myself, and I wanted to make sure that he wouldn't end up down the dark paths I had been on. When I found out he liked my daughter, however, the grizzly in me came out." A few chuckles went across the room again. "I knew that Damien wasn't a bad kid and that he wouldn't intentionally hurt my daughter. What I also knew was how much a traumatic past could change a person, and I feared that he'd one day change and break her heart. I was wrong. Even when he got...confused..." a few chuckles went around the room again, "he still kept her in mind. I've watched a boy grow into a man, one that I'm very proud of and gladly welcome into my family. As for my beautiful daughter, I'm so proud of you, and so grateful that I've watched you blossom into the brilliant, talented, and hardworking woman you are today. You'll always be my little girl, though, and I'll always love you, mi fiore. I'd like to toast to family and love."

We once again toasted, and Damien and I held each other's hands while grinning from ear to ear.

"I guess it's my turn," Diane smiled. "Sagacity, I must admit, my initial thoughts of you weren't so pleasant. I thought you'd be a distraction to my son. I wasn't entirely wrong, though. The Damien I grew was always attentive and never let things distract him easily. When it comes to you, however, he has the attention span of a fruit fly." We all chuckled before she continued, "It reminds me of how his father was with me, and I must admit, Damien's connection to you is one of the cutest bonds I've ever seen. I never thought distractions could be positive, but you've proved me wrong. You motivate him to always do what's right and push him to do better in all aspects. It's been a year since you and I met, and I have to also admit that this year has been the best I've had in a very long time. You bring brightness into my life, and you've blessed me with beautiful grandchildren. I can't thank you enough for making my son so happy. His happiness is all I've ever wanted, and I know that he'll always have it with you. I'm proud of you both, and can't wait for more memories to come. I toast to love."

We all raised our glass and some more toasts continued throughout the room.

It was great to see all of my family here. Everyone in the gang was either married or engaged, and some were even expecting a child. Everyone was happy and living great lives, and I couldn't be any happier. I had two beautiful children with the man that I loved, and I would be spending an eternity with them.

I finally had everything I wanted, and I felt like the happiest woman alive!

The End!

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