Chapter Two: Jinxed it

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Grey and I sat still in front of Mr. Martin who was behind his desk. Both of my hands rested on my lap while I kept my gaze strictly to the transparent plate that said, 'Harold S. Martin - Principal.'

Mr. Martin sighed so I looked back at him. "I saw you two wrecking havoc in the hallway from the CCTV," he paused and glanced at the both of us while I bit down a reply of 'Oh, a CCTV. That's genius.' Well, I never really thought we had one. It must be why we always get caught. And it must be well-hidden too. "Again," he explained. We remained quiet.

We waited for him to say more but Mr. Martin kept his mouth shut and put us under the unnerving stare of his eyes. When I couldn't take the silence anymore I opened my mouth. "He started it," I pointed a finger at Grey.

"Started it? You were the one throwing things and chasing me," he faced me and argued.

I turned my body towards him. "I wouldn't have had to if you didn't make me chase you."

"I ran away. It was your choice to chase me."

"You ran away. Of course, I was gonna chase you," I disputed.

"Enough," Mr. Martin interrupted. "Tell me Ms. Stewart, why were you chasing Mr. Collins?"

"Well-" I stopped and cringed. Being reminded why I was running after Grey, I looked at him and saw a smirk tugging at his lips. I glanced back at the principle and mumbled why, blushing as I said so.

"Yes?" Mr. Martin inquired.

I repeated my words, louder this time. "Grey spread to the school the seventh grade poem slash love confession I made for Ryan Evans," I observed his face. He didn't seem to approve of my reasoning. "Sir, you must understand, that poem holds the reflection to my very heart and soul. It is extremely personal. Surely you see why I hunted him down and threatened to tear his limbs of?" I said in what I hope was a dramatic yet dawning explanation. I even put a hand on top of where my heart should be for emphasis.

"Is this true, Mr. Collins?" He directed at Grey while I inwardly danced. He's onto him, I sang inside my head.

Grey saw the winning look in my eyes and scowled. "Yes, sir," he answered.

"Well, I still have to punish you both," he declared. That got my attention.

"What? But he - but-"

"I understand, sir," Grey said so I threw eye-daggers at him. He was mocking me, I just know it.

"Well, I don't. Why do I get to be punished?"

"April, it is true that what Grey did was . . . rude and mean. But you were the one who threw the property of others while chasing him down," he folded his hands together. "Therefore, to be fair, I shall punish you both," he ended, his tone asking if that was enough of an explanation for me.

I hated that I couldn't argue with that. I mean, I could insist, but that probably won't get me anywhere. "I understand, sir," I complied.

"I very well hope so because you two will have to work together," he said while I looked at him like he's grown two heads. Was he crazy? Me? Grey? Working together? Can't he see what it implies? "Grey, since I find out you aren't exactly the most active student at your Literature class-" it was said that he always slept through it. Well, that ain't a surprise.

"Literature's boring," he stated while I gasped at him. See? This is what I meant! We will never get along. Literature is my favorite and you know what, I'm glad he dislikes it. I wouldn't want to share a common interest with the nincompoop.

"You're gonna pose as the leading male protagonist of a play the Drama Club is gonna hold."

"What?" Grey and I said in unison. I am part of that play. Well, I hoped so. I auditioned for a side-character but I haven't got any news on that.

I glanced at Grey. I pity the poor girl who's gonna play as the lead protagonist.

"As for you, Ms. Stewart, you will have the female lead."

My eyes widened. "No!" Did I just jinx it? I am the poor girl?

Mr. Martin raised a brow. "What do you mean 'no'?" He knew I badly wanted the other role and as if that's not punishment enough, I have to work directly with him.

"I mean - I already auditioned for a different character and I got it," I bluffed.

"And so I heard," answered the principle.

"Really?" I asked happily and grinned before I realized my mistake. I put on a serious face. "I mean - really?"

His brow raised higher - if that was possible. "Yes, but detention and community service doesn't seem to work for either of you. I have to settle for a more creative punishment."

"But what about the role of Hazel?"

"I'm sure the club will find a replacement," he said finally. "Now that we're done here, you two can go back to your class."

I didn't want the conversation to end yet. I really wanted the role of Hazel and I most specially didn't want to work with Grey. I glanced at him desperately but he looked like he wasn't sure how to go against what the principle said. I know he could use the extra points that will be given to him if he wanted to pass the subject. He must be weighing down the benefit.

I sighed in defeat.


As soon as we were out of the office, I turned to him and pointed a finger at his chest. "This is your fault."

"Really? Because I seem to recall that I was the one being chased."

"It was your fault," I scoffed. "Where'd you even get the poem?" I cringed just thinking about what I wrote. I can't believe I ever crushed on Evans.

He smirked. "I have my resources," he answered cryptically.

I just ignored it. I'm used to his antics by now. "Whatever," I said before heading towards my class.

"See you at practice!" He shouted when I was few steps away. I really wish I wouldn't.

"It's called rehearsals, idiot!"

I went straight to my second period, several minutes early. I won't be able to understand any of the lesson from the first one anyway and the teacher might even give me a scolding for being late. Might as well as skip it instead.

I waited for Triss at door. We had the morning periods together.

Shoving my bag to me, Triss dragged me inside while we waited for the teacher. As soon as we settled down at our seats, she started talking. "So as I was saying this morning before you dragged your butt to chase down Grey, I have news."

"Yeah, two bad and one good."

"Well, it is now one bad and one good since you already found out about the poem."

"What is it?" I asked.

"Which one do you want to hear first?"

I contemplated over this for a few seconds before I decided I wanted to hear the good one first.

"The good news is, you got Hazel's role!"

"So I've heard," I cringed.

"Oh," she said before seeing my expression. "Then why don't you look happy?"

"Well, I just lost it."

"What?" She asked sharply just as our teacher entered the room. She glanced at him before looking back at me. "This conversation is not over," she said before slumping down her seat.


Author's Note:


Chapter Two's here! What do you think?

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Lots of love. ❤️

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