Chapter Sixteen: God-gift?

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"Sure." Grey nodded and I widened my eyes at him.

"How can you agree?!" I practically screamed. After the not-official rehearsal, I dragged Grey to Ms. Wilde and petitioned the kiss be not happening. Almost everyone has gone after one and half hour of not-official rehearsing but Triss was waiting for me by the door. She's my designated driver starting today. After I told Mom that I can't work on weekdays anymore and that I'll be at school for an extra of two hours for rehearsals, she said I can't ride my bike after school in the dark streets. Parker was biking in the dark streets after school since he has football practice, I argued but Mom said she didn't trust me to be able to protect myself. I didn't answer because I'm not sure I trust me to be able to protect myself. I know nothing about self-defense so I'm making it my mission to buy pepper spray later. "Will you excuse us for a minute, Ms. Wilde," I asked politely to the drama teacher that was sitting on the piano bench.

I took Grey's wrist and managed to drag to guy on other side of the room. What he said a while a ago flashed back to mind.

"Hm, a shame . . ."

I faced him. "Let's make something clear her, Collins."

"Sure, Stewart."

I glared at him. "You-" I pointed at him. "Me-" I pointed to myself. "Enemies," I say. "Get it?"

He raised a brow as if to ask what's my point. "We are not suppose to be okay with this part on the script," I said in a duh-tone then raised the paper and waved it in his face. He shoved my hand down.


"And?" Is he fucking stupid? "Why did you agree to it?"

"I wanted to disagree with you," he answered and I almost punched him right there and then.

"Why you-"

He then laughed. "You can't possibly think that I actually wanted to kiss you, right?"

I frowned. "Of course not. Why would I- That's beside the point, right now!"

He snorted.

"Be serious here. Enemies aren't suppose to kiss-"

"It's just acting. I don't see the big deal."

"It is a big deal, you six-foot tall of arrogance!" I argued. "If it wasn't for you, it's not even gonna have to happen."

"Why is this my fault? You chased me." His faced crunched in annoyance. He has no right to be annoyed with me right now. He's the one going off topic, not bothering to see things in the perspective of someone who is suppose to hate my guts!

"You fucking spread my ninth-grade poem!"

He smirked and I scowled at him. The heck he's so mercurial. Is he bipolar? "Aw, did little miss monkey just say 'fuck'?

I sighed heavily and began to massage my temples. "You're so, you're so-"

"Wonderful, handsome and a God-gift from heaven?"

More like thrown away from heaven.

"An asshole." I dropped my hand. "Looks this is going nowhere."


"Just say to Ms. Wilde that you don't agree with the kiss." I said to him. "Insult me if you want. Say that it would be like kissing your grandma or like making out with a frog or something just . . . make her drop it, okay?"

His faced turned serious. "What if I don't want to?"

"Oh, sure you don't, Collins."

"I still won't do it though." Previous traces of seriousness gone, he grinned at me like this was funny.

God, he's so hard to reason with.

I rolled my eyes at him. "If you're doing this to annoy me-"

"Why, of course I am. Why else would I?" He put a hand to his heart, eyes drmatically wide. He looks like a psycho.

I sighed. "Of course. Who thought this was gonna be easy? Me? No, of course not," I muttered exasperatedly to myself before giving Grey a hard look. Then in the sweetest voice I could manage in gritted teeth, I say, "Grey we're on the same side right now. I don't wanna kiss you. You don't wanna kiss me. It's one of the few things we could agree on so just fucking do it." He looked into my eyes and I thought I finally managed to shove reason within his brain. "This is very simple, really. Let's go to Ms. Wilde over there who's mindlessly playing the piano waiting for us-" I pointed to said woman. "And say we won't do it," I say as if I was talking to a stubborn child who didn't ubnerstand that candy wasn't good for his teeth. "See? Simple."

"No," he said and my heart dropped.

"No?" I asked, honestly not shocked about. Grey never want to give me the easy way, even if it meant doing something he equally didn't like.

"As I've said before. Fortunately, I like giving you hell." Then he walked away.

I looked up in the ceiling with a sigh and spread my arms as if to say, 'Why was he created? Why does he even exist?'


Triss dropped me home and I was greeted by an empty home. Parker's probably still in foot ball practice, Dad's still at work and so is Mom.

"I have the house to myself. Great," I say to myself, not really enthused by it.

I opened the door to my room and saw the lights were turned off. I gulped.

It's okay. You're not there.

At night when I sleep, I make sure to keep the lights open. I never got over my fear of the dark. It just brings back this fear . . . fear of something. Or someone.

I switched open the light and an instant relief flooded through me as I roamed my eyes around my illuminated room. My desk which was stacked with paper lied at the corner, just right by the window, my bed with folded sheets was at the other side with a nightstand beside it and a vanity near the foot.

I changed into a par of pyjamas and flopped down on my bed. I'll just rush all my homework for the day tomorrow before dawn . . .

Just as I lay there, relaxed on my bed. The light in my room suddenly died. I screamed and quickly sprung out of my bed.

I'm locked up. I'm locked up. I'm locked up.

"I'm not locked up, damnit," I told myself loudly as I headed for the door. My heart was beating loudly and I started sweating. With clammy hands, I twisted the door open and made a run for the living room.

After years you'd think I'll feel safe in my own room but I don't. Not anywhere with darkness hugging me.


Author's Note:

Hey, it's the rough draft of my first book. Cut me some slack. 😤

Anyway, Vote and Comment if like the chapter and the story so far. (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤

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