Chapter Twenty-Five: Bookworm

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"So, you and Ryan, huh?" Grey said. We just came from our last subject and were headed towards the auditorium for rehearsals. It's been three days since that unexpected ceasefire and who would've thought that for the past few days, Grey and I will be able to walk along side each other without any rude remarks.

"What do you mean me and Ryan?" I get this feeling that Grey doesn't like the guy that much. Yesterday, wednesday, when Luke excitedly dragged him to sit with us during lunch, he would sent him an annoyed look whenever Ryan opened his mouth.

"Are you guys dating?" He asked so casually I couldn't figure out what his intentions are for asking.

"Uh . . . no?" 



"Cool," he answered and I gave him a weird look. I've learned this past few days that even the school's football star could be so random at times.

He sincerely apologized and that's what mattered, right? Besides, we've been on prank war and he was just getting back at me for putting those ants - I hope his dick's okay - and he didn't know a–

Oh, the ants.

"I'm sorry too, by the way." 

"Huh?" Grey pushed open the door to the auditorium and let me in first. "What are you apologizing for?"

"For putting those ants in your pants," I glances down at his crotch and moved my gaze up fast before he could see that. Don't tell me you haven't done that.

As if it suddenly dawned on him, his face crunched in a guilty look. "Actually, there's something I need to tell you about that."

I furrowed my brows. "Yeah?"

"An entirely different thing happened. You might thing the ants got me but they didn't," Grey explained and I waited for him to say more. "Though I did sprain my ankle because of it."

My lips formed an 'o'. "I'm sorry," I apologized. That explained two weeks of absence.

"What?" Grey asked confused. "You're not mad that I tricked you?"

"Seriously? I think what happened is just as awful. I injured you sand I should be sorry. I meant harm at the time but spraining your ankle is just as bad as wrecking your down there."

"Really? I think I would take that over damaging my-"

I held up a hand. "Please stop right there. I don't want to hear how you prefer calling that little thing down there."

Grey looked offended. "I wouldn't call it little, April," he whispered and shook his head before stepping forward into my personal space. His faced morphed into a look of seriousness. I held my ground, wondering what he's up to. Twirling a strand of my short blonde hair (no thanks to him) with his finger, his face completely serious, he place it behind my ear. 

My mouth hang agape. "Wha- what are you-" I stopped when he place his face directly in front of mine. This close, I could see the little imperfections on his face that only helped give him more appeal. His nose was a little crooked, his brows not asymmetric (thank goodness), his lips were thin and pink. I glanced up at his eyes and saw his grey orbs staring back at me.

Is it just me or is it suddenly hot here? My breath hitched as Grey moved his face near my ear. He placed his palm on my cheek, the skin tingling at where he touched while warm air fanned my neck. I couldn't speak nor move, what was he doing to me? In a low voice he whispered, "I could it prove to you if you want." Blood rushed to my cheeks.

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