Chapter Thirty: Weren't Meant To

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My feet jugged up and down, eyes flickering around every few minutes as I sat patiently at the bench. Why do I always pick the wrong timing to be kind?

Because kindness does not have a right or wrong timing? Shut up, stupid brain, you got me into this. "Great. I'm arguing with myself."

"Arguing with who?"

"Ah!" I held my hand close to my chest. "You freaking startled me!"

Grey held up both his hand. "Chill."

"Sorry, I was just waiting -" I paused. "For you, actually."

"Me? I don't remember- I'm supposed to watch over Coreen today," he informed me, his brows furrowing.

"Yeah, about that, Cecily left. Didn't she leave a text or something?" I inquired, looking up at him.

Grey fished for his phone inside his short's pockets. "Oh, didn't read that one," he mumbled, probably reading the notification on his phone's lock screen. He turned it off and pocketed it, blinking at me.

A silence that I couldn't quiet decipher what it entailed, ensued. Was it awkward? Tense? Casual?

"So . . . what brought you here?" Grey just stood there and my neck craned up to his direction. My gaze involuntarily glancing at his lips. Don't think, don't think. I clasped my hands together and put my eyes back on his grey ones.

"I was just-" I paused as Grey shifted on his feet. "Hey, do u wanna sit down?" He nodded and sat on my side, I straightened my back at the closer distance. "Mom shooed me away-" I chuckled awkwardly- "from the cafe because- ehem." I coughed it up and switched the subject to him. "Anyway, what made you decide to watch over Coreen?"

His eyes searched for the child. "I got nothing else to do . . . " He pursed his lips and I stopped myself from staring too long and remembering how those soft assets felt on mine. He blinked and chuckled nervously. "I was thinking too much about our- the- book report!" He cleared his throat. "That I didn't want to do." He nodded to himself.

I stayed quiet, wondering if that was good save or it's just what it is. "Hey, you should really get to it," I said instead.

Grey grunted as if just thinking about it pained him too much. "But reading is just so -" He glanced at my narrowed eyes. "I don't do reading," he finished.

"Clearly, but you're gonna fail if you don't suck it up."

"I think I'll just watch the movie."

I exhaled. "Do what you will, it's your grade on the line, anyway."

Dead silence from the two of us and I was thankful for the clutter of noises that came from the kids. They run around, chasing each other, some remained entertained on one or two grounds. Coreen, on the other hand, chatted a little boy's ears who seem to genuinely listen to her words. A smile tugged at my lips.

"Aren't they cute?"

Grey watched them. "I guess."

"So-" I started the same as Grey said, "So-"

"You go first." Grey leaned on the bench, resting an arm the wood.

"I . . . " I wracked my brain for something. "Actually got nothing to say. You go ahead."

"Didn't have one, too."

Not knowing what else to talk about, I said, "I've met Cecily . . . she seems nice."

Grey frowned. "Yeah?"

"Do you not think so?" I asked curiously.

"I think she's worming her way into a family that doesn't want her and she's dragging her child into it," he answered coldly and a heavy feeling settled at my chest caused by it.

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