Chapter 37

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"Your the one who sent those baby stuff wasn't it? That was sweet of you sweetie. Not a lot of teen dads are willing to do such things for their baby mamas" Mom says as she drizzles her pancakes in honey.

Way to go mom. You've just made things a lot more awkward. Couldn't you have spoken about the weather or something? You just had to let him know that the whole family knows. 

Wait,the whole family?

I look up and stare at dad and Luke praying they didn't hear what mom just said. Even though Luke has a scowl on his face and dad has a blank one,I know they did. Dammit mom. You just threw me under the bus right now.

"It's the least I could do,Mrs. Banes" He politely says then smiles. Wtf??

"The least you could do is die" Luke mumbles but the whole table heard him. Mom gasps and Dad and Cole glare at him but Cole's glare is more hateful.

"Fuck you" Coe snaps. I breathe in deeply as I prepare myself for what's about to happen.






Luke lunges at Cole and punches him on the face,a sickening crack resonates in the room as blood pours out Cole's nose. 

Punches begin getting thrown between the two males. Dad tries to separate them but ends up getting painfully punched on the chest. Mom yelps and rushes to her husband's aid.

I jump out my seat and kick Cole's ribs to get him to stop but he just grunts and continues bashing Luke's face.

"Stop!! STOP IT!!" I yell but it seems none of them can hear me. "Stop,Cole! Please" I sob before gently plopping on my seat again and bury my face in my hands.

Everything comes to a complete halt as I feel everyone's eyes snap to me. I feel a certain warmth on my face as a pair of hands grab mine and pull them from my face.

I look up at Cole's softened grey eyes while my lip trembles. He frowns before kneeling before me.

"I'm sorry" He whispers as he gently wipes my tears away. "Please forgive me"

I sniffle and nod. He sighs then kisses my forehead. During this,I hear Luke mumble something along the lines of 'the fuck is going on right now' but I ignore him.

Cole gets up from his kneeling position and dusts his pants. "Thank you for breakfast Mrs. Banes but I must leave now. I'll come back again to check on Lucy soon" He says before storming out the house.

"Finally" Luke mumbles before getting up from the ground.

"Clean up this mess,Luke" Dad snaps. "And if I ever hear that your giving Lucy and that boy trouble,you'll have to deal with me. Are we clear?" I have never in my 18 years of living,seen dad this livid. It's kind of scary.

"But what did I do?" Luke whines.

Dad growls. "Luke Banes,I am your father and for as long as you live under my roof,you will respect me. I have given you enough warnings about your behaviour but it seems your still not listening to me.

You will respect that boy and support your sister's decisions. I don't care how much the both of you hate each other. You have been behaving poorly for these last six months and I do not know what is wrong with you. If you don't want to listen to me then you can gladly leave. This hatred thing between the both of you needs to end because it is putting your sister in a very difficult situation.

Your sister is turning 7 months in a week and we need to keep her as healthy as possible. You adding so much pressure and stress on her isn't going to help much. Fix whatever is wrong with you because it is hurting not only Lucy but your mother and I. Please Luke" Those last two words were a plea. A very sad plea that broke my heart in two.

A tear slips out both our parents before they retreat upstairs to their room. I glance at Luke and find him staring regretfully at his shoes. My poor brother.

"Luke?" I croak. I gulp and wipe my tears away before stepping closer to him.

He looks so broken right now. Like a little boy that has just been told Santa doesn't exist. I've never seen him look so...sad.

"I don't know what's wrong with me,Lucy" He whispers so quietly that if I wasn't waiting for his response I wouldn't have heard him. "There is so much anger and disappointment in me and it's eating me up. How do I fix this? How do I ?" As he says those last few words,his head lifts and he stares me. Pain filled in his eyes.

"Forgive yourself,Luke. You wouldn't have known that I was going to fall pregnant with Cole's baby. They say some things are meant to happen. I guess this is the 'meant to happen' thing. It's my fate. So forgive yourself,Luke. I have so you can too" I tell him.

"Ca-can you help me?" He asks and I smile softly.

I nod. "Sure. But it will all be your doing though. I'll just be there as your supporter"

He smiles. "That's okay with me" He says. "I'm sorry,Lucy. His presence makes my blood boil but I'll start tolerating him from now on"

"Thank you,Luke. I know that you'd rather have someone else father my baby. I'm going to talk to him and ask the same of him"

Okay. It was a very eventful morning but I'm glad it ended on a good note.

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