Chapter 7

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Slut, whore, bitch, man stealer, attention seeker, skank and hoe are the words I keep hearing as soon as I walk into the familiar hallway to my locker.

Everybody is giving me a disgusted look and some have even slightly shoved me. Nora is completely ignoring me and I'm now Mindy's new victim.

I never thought my life would take a complete turn just because of one jerk of a guy. I'm so disappointed in myself for letting this happen. If I had just listened to Luke and stayed away from Cole then all of this wouldn't be happening. I would be on every body's good books and Nora would still be my best friend.

My weekend would be spent with me lounging in my room and the school days would pass on like they always did.

Now that that part of my life is gone, I'm stuck with being given a new title and everyone is clearly avoiding being less than five feet away from me. I don't really mind that because I mean, personal space right?

I heard I carry many sexually transmitted diseases known on earth and that the possibility of you catching them if your not atleast five feet away are high.


Lunch is even worse. The table where Nora and I would normally sit and eat has been moved to the corner of the cafeteria where I sit alone. Whispering, murmuring and stares are the only thing I see and hear as I munch on my lunch.

Mindy's heels clicking on the floor entering the room silences every thing. I mentally prepare myself for her wrath that will definitely be directed to me.

"Hey slutty!" She yells to me making me flinch. Here we go.

The sound of her heels gets louder as she moves towards me.

Just ignore her, Lucy. Ignore her.

"Ugh I can't believe whores like you still exist. How does it feel like to have multiple people fuck you?" Her annoying high pitched voice floats through the whole room. I clench my jaw as I try ignoring her.

"Just go away, Mindy" I snap. I mentally curse myself for not ignoring her.

She giggles.

"I never knew that someone like you is even able to slut around. Such a shame to know that poor Lukey has a skank as a sister" She says, making every single idiot in this room laugh. My teeth grind against each other and my left eye twitches as I contain my anger.

"I'm sure she must've fucked him too!" A voice from the crowd yells, making it laugh even harder.

Tears sting my eyes as I grab my bag and rush out the cafeteria sobbing.

Their laughter fades as I run to the bathroom. I can't leave school like I did the last time because it would raise suspicion. Knowing I can't escape this hellhole and run to that small scenery I stumbled on yesterday has me sobbing harder.

Slamming the stall door shut, I lock it and close the toilet lid before taking a seat and cry with my head buried in my hands.

Excruciating pain has my heart twisting and breaking. Betrayal, heartbreak and hurt has me shaking with violent cries.

What makes all of this even worse is that I have no one to lean on. I'm dealing with all of this by myself and no one is helping me.

I shouldn't have gone to the party. I should've continued declining Nora's request.

No one is to blame but myself. My naiveness and dumbness.


The day continues the same way until I'm finally in the comforts of my home. But even my own home can't provide me the amount of relief I need.

The memories of that night still linger every where in my room. More importantly my bed. My bed was the place where I so foolishly let my innocence get taken away from me.

His scent still floats in the air but I'm thankful that's it's faint. Why did I even let him touch me?

As soon as his hands and lips were on me I lost everything.

I am literally the dumbest person.

Dinner was horrible.

My parents and Luke were chatting and laughing away as I quietly ate. They did try to include me in their conversations but I just answered shortly before going quiet again so they stopped, noticing I wasn't in the mood to talk.

I'm so thankful my family are good at giving a person space when they see that they need it or I would've felt bad when I lie to them.

"Luke,byour washing the dishes" Mom says to Luke, slowly getting up on her seat dad following suit.

"What? Why? Lucy can do it" Luke whines, talking with his mouth full. Dad glares at him for that.

"No. Luke, your mother said your doing the dishes so your going to do them" Dad says sternly. Luke rolls his eyes mumbling something about my parents favouring me than him.

"Goodnight guys" Mom says and kisses mine and Luke's cheek before walking up the stairs.

"Love you guys" Dad says, kissing my head and ruffling Luke's hair before following mom.

I help Luke with the dishes and say goodnight to him before going to bed.

My phone pings under my pillow and I fish it out. It's just my period tracker app. My period should be arriving in two days.

Ugh. Periods are literally the worst,I swear. I don't suffer from period pains but I just don't like being on my period. It sucks and I get really moody.


Another great and oh so awesome thing I have to deal with too. Note the sarcasm.

This couldn't get any worse.


Sorry for the short chapter🙃 its two in the morning and Im tired as hell. 💙

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Love yall
Fezikhumalo ❤❤

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